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Caroline's POV

Klaus and I have been for a few hours studying Geometry and he is a great teacher. At first I was slightly nervous to ask him to help me because I didn't want to look dumb and also because I didn't want him to think it was a way for me to flirt with him, but he showed me that he understood my position and only helped me, although we did talk a bit and laughed.

"Do you mind of us getting a small break from studying?"

"Of course." Klaus said and I smiled to him, putting my pencil on the page we were studying and close it with the pencil marking the book.

"Thank you."

"For What?" He asked with a confused look.

"For helping me study, for listening to me and for... not looking at me with pity after all those things I told you when I was drunk." I said, feeling a bit vulnerable since I'm not used to open up to people like this, specially not to Klaus.

" I said, feeling a bit vulnerable since I'm not used to open up to people like this, specially not to Klaus

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"First of all, I don't do pity, much less when it comes to you. Secondly, you don't need to thank me, I enjoy to listen to you and your opinions." Klaus said with a smirk, making me smile.

Klaus is the only guy who ever truly listen to my opinions and my rambles. I mean, Stefan does that too but he doesn't seem to care so much about them as Klaus does.

"You know... you don't need to stay here and helping me with Geometry. I know you probably have more things on your to do list, like talking with your hybrids, taking your clothes to the dry cleaners..."

"Actually I have my minions to do that for me." Klaus said making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course, Love."

"Why are you still here? I mean you got your curse broken and you have your hybrids... Why staying here?"

"Well, Rebekah is enjoying experience this human things like high school." Klaus said with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh... That's nice." I said with a smile.

I'm so stupid! Why was I thinking I was the reason? Of course he is only here because of his sister... why would he stop from going some fancy place for me? Im just some baby vampire from a small town who never went anywhere. Probably when high school ends, he will leave to some amazing place that I could only dream of going while I'll be stuck on this small town.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"No. It's just... High school is almost over and... I'm gonna miss yo-your sister." I quickly covered it because telling him I would miss him would be a huge mistake.

"It's not like my family and I have plans to go someplace else at the end of this year." He said.

"Come on, Klaus! You guys are the Original Family. I'm sure you want to be at someplace else filled with people and malls and museums and historical places." I said.

"We have eternity to see all that. And at the moment there's been no talking about leaving. And I sure wouldn't mind to live her awhile longer." Klaus said, making me look at him confused. "This place might not give me the best memories, but you're in here... I don't know how it would be going to some place and not bumping into you lecturing me about how we should do the right thing for others."

"Oh... so you need someone to tell you that the right thing to do is to help people instead of hurt them?" I asked, giving him a look.

 so you need someone to tell you that the right thing to do is to help people instead of hurt them?" I asked, giving him a look

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"Well, I did lived for a long time... the line between right and wrong become a bit blurred during my time alive." Klaus said with a smirk, making me roll my eyes. "But... why are you wondering about me and my family leaving? Are you afraid that you might miss me?"

"Please... I was just wondering. I am starting to get along with Bekah and you all leaving would make me lose a shopping buddy." I said, which wasn't exactly a lie because I would miss Rebekah.

"If we leave this town, you could always come with us. You would be more than welcome. And you would make living with my siblings way more tolerable."

"Don't say that. They are your family and they love you." I said.

"Sometimes I'm not so sure about that." He whispered to himself, making me give him a look, making him see that I just heard what he said. "After all I did, I know they stay around but how can I be so sure it's because they love me and not because they fear me."

"I know you and your siblings don't have the most normal or healthy relationship ever but... they do love you. Your sister is always defending you and she always ends up choosing you instead of a guy, Kol might act all childish but I can see that he loves to spend time with you and be your drinking buddy and Elijah loves you to the point of never giving up on you." I said and felt his hand grabbing a piece of my hair, putting it behind my ear and rest his hand on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

"You're the only person I ever talked about this..." He whispered.

"Honey! I'm home!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"You better leave."


"My mom still isn't a big fan of you."

"How about her daughter?" He asked with a smirk.

"Her daughter wants you to go." I said opening the window so he would leave, then before he could go I grabbed his wrist to make him stop and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you... for everything."

He smirked to me and was gone in a second, so I closed the window and went downstairs to see my mom.

AN: Hey guys! What did you think about this Klaroline chapter? I hope you liked it.
Before you go, I found out this new Klaroline story from MelisaNya called "The Nanny Arrangement"
If you have any story/video/account that's yours (or someone's you like) and would like to share, I would be more than happy to help you share it!😉

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