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Klaus's POV

I was now taking Caroline home because she got drunk along with her friends and my sister, making Kol take Bonnie home and Elijah take to our place Rebekah, Stefan and Elena.

"I can't get the keys..." Caroline said drunk, trying to use her keys without success.

"Can I do it for you, Love?" I asked and she gave me her keys and once I opened the door she gasped. "You did it! That's amazing!"

"Not really, Love. But thank you." I chuckled to myself, then asked. "Is your home at home?"

"Nope. She's at work. Like most of the time..." Caroline said.

I never really thought about it but Liz Forbes seems to always be working. It must be very lonely for Caroline. Maybe that's one of the reasons why she gets so busy with those extracurricular activities.

"Alright. I guess I am going to take you to bed."

"Wow! The big bad wolf is taking me to bed! Who would see that coming?" She giggled to herself.

I closed the door behind me and Caroline's tried to walk over to the steps but she was very drunk, so I put an arm around her waist to not let her fall and give her some balance.

"I've got you, love. I've got you"

I made her wrap an arm around my neck and quickly I picked her up in bridal style so I could take her to her bedroom

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I made her wrap an arm around my neck and quickly I picked her up in bridal style so I could take her to her bedroom.

"Now you can finally sleep, love." I whispered once I made her seat on the couch.

"Klaus... I need your help... I can't put my pjs on..."

"Are you sure, love?" I asked because I didn't want to take advantage of her drunk state.

"Yeah. We can do it at super speed. Just... help me... please."

"Alright." I said.

I opened one of the drawers, making me see it was where she had her underwear, there was simple ones and more revealing ones, but I'm sure any would look perfect on her... then I closed the drawer and opened another where I saw a basic top and some shorts.

"Can you stay up, love?" I asked and she got up, nodding her head slowly.

"Alright, I'll make this quick."

"That's what he said!" Caroline giggled.

I used my Supernatural speed to take her clothes and put her with her pjs because I didn't want to let myself feel tempted and ended up taking advantage of her drunk state... besides, this was not how I wanted to be with her for the first time.

"Here you go!"

"Look at that. You save me... again." She said, making me smirk.

"I think it's time for you to rest." I whispered while making her lay down on the bed under the sheet.

"Klaus... Stay. Don't go..." She whispered almost begging, so I took my jacket and my shoes so I could lay down next to her.

Caroline's beautiful eyes were begging for some sleep but she seemed to be fighting the urge of closing her eyes.

"I never thought in saying this but... you're one of the best people I know, Klaus." She whispered and kissed my cheek then fall asleep in my shoulder.

Elijah's POV

I just made Elena lay down in the bed but she didn't seem to want to sleep.

"Elijah, you look so cute when you're trying to tell me to go to sleep..." she giggled.

"You should rest, Elena." I tried to tell her.

"Why? I'm not tired." She said then smirked and said. "I know something we could do until I got tired..."

"You're intoxicated. You had too much to drink." I tried to reason with her.

"Don't you want to be with me?" She asked now sad.

"Of course I do. It's not that."

"Just say it! You preferred when was Katherine. I get it! She has more experience and she is all confident and she can make guys fall to her feet..."

"What are you talking about? Experience isn't everything. Besides, you are much better than any other woman I was with."

"You're just being nice."

"I'm being honest. With you it's just more than just a kiss or just sex... that's what makes you so much better than the other girls I've been with." I said and kissed her forehead.

"You really are the Edward to my Vivian."

"Who are those?"

"Pretty woman?" She said and I just looked confused.

"I sooooo need to get you caught on the movies and tv shows."

"I do believe I have a good excuse. I was daggered for a long time." I said.

"But you still stayed by Klaus's side and had faith in him... You're so perfect!"

"I'm not perfect." I said.

"Agree to disagree." She said while I lay down next to her, feeling her quickly cuddling me.

Kol's POV

After I took Bonnie silently to her bedroom, she asked me to stay and now we were laying down on the bed holding hands.

"I wish I had met you as a witch. Things would be way easier." She whispered and kissed my shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"It's messy this all vampire-witch thing we have going on."

"Of course it is. I'm Kol Mikaelson, I'm always around messy things." I said and she laughed.

I loved when she laughed because of something I say or do. It's one of the best things in the world.

"You're funny... and also sweet. But you don't let many people see that. Why did you let me?"

"Because you are the one who makes me want to be good." I admitted.

"I'm sorry for being so cold sometimes."

"I understand, darling. You and Jeremy had this big relationship. He was your first serious boyfriend and... it's normal that you aren't over him."

"I will always care about Jer... but I don't think I love him anymore... I think I love the memories of him." She said. "I just... I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I know, my beautiful witch." I whispered.

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