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Elena's POV

I was at Bonnie's, watching some tv when someone knock on the door, I went to open it and see it's Elijah with a basket of fruit and another with lotions.

"I noticed you leaving upset, so I realized that probably my apology wasn't enough so I got you a basket of fruit and another of lotions because I didn't know which one would you prefer. If you don't like it, I can buy you something else."

"You think that I want you to buy me something? Do you think I can be bought? Because if you think that, you're very mistaken." I said and was about to slam the door but he used his hand to not let me close the door.

" I said and was about to slam the door but he used his hand to not let me close the door

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"I'm sorry, Elena. I know what I did was wrong and I'm trying to apologize for what happened. I just... I'm liking to getting to know you. I didn't wanted to let last night ruin everything." He said.

I wanted to yell at him so badly... but I also felt that he was hurting and I didn't want to just get out of his life so I decided that I should just swallow my feelings... at least for now.

"Just... stop apologizing. Let's just pretend last night I only took you home and nothing else happened." I said and he nodded. "Would you like to watch some tv?"

"Sure. Kol seems very fascinated by it." Elijah said and so I took him to the living room and we sat on the couch, quickly he got a call, so he went to the kitchen to answer it.

"Would you mind to let Kol come here to visit Bonnie?" Elijah asked me.

"Ah... I think Bonnie was the one who should answer that."

"Why should I let him come?" Bonnie asked.

"He says he has a few movies you might enjoy." Elijah said.

"Fine. At least we don't have to talk." Bonnie said. "I'm gonna call Caroline."

"Klaus is also coming. He heard about Caroline so he seemed to suddenly want to spend time here too." Elijah said.

"I guess I'll call Stefan and you can tell Bekah." I said.


We were now all in the living room, I was between Elijah and Rebekah, having Rebekah giving me signs to make a move on Elijah while I tried to tell her no.

"Are you feeling alright?" Elijah whispered.

"Yes..." I whispered

"Are you sure? You seem odd." He whispered and I just nodded, then I tried to take some popcorn from the bowl and felt Elijah's fingers brushing mine.

I let my hand stay still and felt Elijah's pinkie near mine, then I felt his pinkie on top of mine, which made me smile, I then rest my head in his shoulder and hold his hand, interlocking our fingers, and he kissed my hand.

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