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Caroline's POV

The game had ended, Bonnie and Kol went to bed because Rebekah dared them to be handcuff for 24 hours, Rebekah was now drinking with Stefan, Elena and Elijah were making out and I was still on Klaus's lap because I was enjoying being like this with him.

I was now trying to change position because I felt something, which my tipsy mind didn't even thought about it, then when I looked down I saw Klaus's boner. I decided to be on his lap facing him.

"Seriously? All I'm doing is being on your lap." I whispered.

"Well, now you facing me it's just making it worst." Klaus whispered, making me giggle.

"How can you be like this? I'm just on your lap..."

"You have this effect on me, love. You should know that by now..." he whispered, making me smile shyly.

"Do you want me to leave so you can calm down?" I whispered.

"No. I much prefer having you here... with me." Klaus whispered.

"Seriously?" I whispered with a smile and he nodded so I moved my hands from his neck to his chest and then to his belly, slowly I moved my hands to under his t-shirt, feeling his well built 6 pack, which made him groan.

"Caroline..." he groaned lowly, while I enjoyed teasing him.

"Someone's getting very happy..." I whispered to his ear with a smirk, but then I felt him kissing my shoulder and slowly moving his kisses to my neck.

" I whispered to his ear with a smirk, but then I felt him kissing my shoulder and slowly moving his kisses to my neck

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"You know... this is only turning you on even more, right?" I whispered, trying to resist the urge of kissing him.

"I know I'm not the only one who wants this, Love. Why else would you still be in my lap?" He whispered and he had a good point.

"This was fun. I'm gonna go get another drink." I said, quickly getting off his lap, making him quickly grab a pillow and put it on his lap.

Elena's POV

I have been a bit upset because Elijah wasn't the one who asked Bonnie to make the location spell and I get that he was just played by Katherine but it still hurt but now I know that he really cares about me and I can't be any longer upset with him.

"You make me very happy, Elijah Mikaelson." I whispered with a smile, making him smile and kiss me again.

"You have no idea how much of an hold of me you have. I'm starting to believe that I was turned for a reason... to meet you." He whispered, so I quickly got up from the couch, holding his hand and took him to his bedroom. "What are we doing here, Milady?"

"We're here to have some alone time, My Lord." I said with a smile and kissed him.

The kiss was filled with passion, it was like we haven't seen each other for years...

I pushed him against the wall and instead of ripping his shirt off, like I sometimes do, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt while I kissed him, then I pushed him against the bed and took my dress off, quickly jumping into the bed and kissing his 6 pack and his chest, making him groan my name.

He suddenly changed our positions so he could be on top of me and started to kiss my neck and then my breasts, ending his sweet torture in kisses on my belly.

"Elijah, please... I want to be with you... I need you..." I moaned and so he did as I asked, making me gasp and moan.

I missed him so much...

I missed him so much

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Rebekah's POV

I was on the basement getting some blood when I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Stefan... what are you doing?" I whispered with a smile.

"I was starting to feel lonely..." He whispered, making me laugh.

"You poor thing..." I whispered while turning to face him, noticing how close we are to each other, which made me slightly blush.

"You are so beautiful, Bekah..." He whispered and gave a peck on my cheek.

"You're just drunk."

"Nope. You are beautiful and smart and loving..." He whispered while kissing my jawline and then my neck.

"Stefan..." I whispered but I couldn't form any words, all I could do was focus on his touch and on his kisses.

"I can't believe someone like you is single. You're such an amazing woman..." Stefan whispered while kissing my neck.

"Stefan..." I moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist, no longer be able to resist him.

He pushed me against the wall, making me gasp and then he kissed me passionately.

"I can't do this... I'm sorry." I whispered when I broke the kiss.

"Is it because of Matt?" Stefan asked while let me go.

"What? No! It's because of me. I'm finally accepting myself as a single woman. I can't let myself do this and mess everything. I'm sorry, Stefan."

"I understand." Stefan said and kissed me again. "This kiss was to show you that even if you are choosing to be single, it doesn't mean that I'm over you. I'll wait until you'll be ready."

"I don't deserve make you go through that. You should just get over me. I'm sure it won't be that hard." I said because usually it's me who is after a guy to make him notice me, then they quickly lose interest.

"Rebekah, I tried to get over you... to repress these feelings I have because I know you don't want a relationship but... I can't... You are all I think about and you are the one I want to be with... But I will respect you wanting to be by yourself for awhile." Stefan said.

I can't believe that I'm actually refusing to be with him... but I also know that if I give into the temptation, I will go back to that girl that I was who needed to always have a man by her side. I was so pathetic... I can't go back to that again.

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