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Bonnie's POV

This morning was spent better than I had imagine, Kol was actually being sweet and respectful which I thought it wasn't something that could describe him, Rebekah seems to like talking with Stefan but I'm not sure if she's ready for something more than friendship, Elena and Elijah have definitely something going on, the moment Elena rest her head on his shoulder, Elijah smiled, then there was Klaus and Caroline who looked very friendly towards each other and I think something happened while they were on the kitchen making popcorns.

Now, we were all at the Grill having lunch.

"Elena?" Alaric called and when saw us eating with the Mikaelsons he gave a look to Elena. "What are you doing? Spending time with the big bad wolf and company? Are you crazy?"

 "What are you doing? Spending time with the big bad wolf and company? Are you crazy?"

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"Why don't you just call him Klaus? It's his name, after all." Caroline said, making Klaus smirk.

"Caroline, is this some revenge type of thing because of what Tyler did? Because you shouldn't put your life in risk and much less put Bonnie's and Elena's just because of some stupid revenge."

Elena's POV

"Do you really think I would go so low? Besides, I'm not making anyone being here. They are here because they want to." Caroline said and Alaric looked at me.

"I've tried to tell you before. They aren't that bad."

"Klaus tried to kill you."

"You tried to kill me." Klaus said.

"Ric, I know it looks weird but... they are more than just people who tried to kill us. Klaus is... well, he is so into Caroline that he won't really hurt us. Elijah is nice and a good listener and he is just protective of his siblings, Rebekah is just a girl who loves her siblings more than it can put into words and can be a great friend when we get to know her and Kol is just a bit childish."

"If it helps, I just beat my record time of not killing people." Kol said and then smirked at Bonnie.

"Great achievement!" Bonnie said sarcastically.

"In deed. Old habits die hard. But for you it's worth it." Kol said, making Bonnie roll her eyes with a smile.

" Kol said, making Bonnie roll her eyes with a smile

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"Can we talk about this later?"

"Meet me in 30 minutes at my apartment." Alaric said and left.

"He probably just needs time to process all this." Caroline said with a forced smile, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah... I mean this is kinda weird if we think about it." Bonnie said.

"I'm going to get some air." I said and left but Elijah quickly followed me. "I'm sorry, Elijah but I think I need to be alone."

"Alright. I just wanted to thank you for defending me and my family. And tell you that I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to or..." He was saying and I quickly hugged him, making him stop talking and hug me back.

Klaus's POV

I think this might be the first time Caroline defended me to one of her friends... I might still have a chance to make her be my queen.

I moved my hand to her lower back, making her look at me and smile. She then rest her head while I caressed her lower back, for awhile.

"Hmmm..." She said very lowly, only I could hear it, making me smirk.

"Thank you... for defending me." I whispered and she just smiled to me and rest her head on my shoulder again.

Her hand was now moving through my curls, in a caring way that made me want to take her to my room and show her how it feels to be pleasured for hours.

"Caroline..." I groaned lowly.

"Barbie and Ken, can you keep it in your pants?" Kol suddenly said, making Caroline quickly take her hand from my hair and lift her head.

"We weren't doing anything. I'm just... sleepy" Caroline said quickly.

"Sure." Kol said.

"Shut off before I dagger you." I said.

"I don't think there's need for daggering him." Caroline said.

"Correction. Shut off before I make you regret ever being turned to live to this moment." I said to Kol.

"Wow! Caroline finally made you get more Original to your threats." Kol said and Caroline started laughing, making me look at her.

"Kol said Original." Caroline said laughing.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I still haven't write about Alaric's reaction to Elena hanging out with the Mikaelson family so I thought it was about time. What did you think?

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