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Elena's POV

Elijah and I were in the woods because he wanted to help me hunting. He said that he wanted to help me out in handling being a vampire and I saw that as a good excuse to be with him so I agreed.

We were now looking at a deer and he had his hands on my hips while whispering to my ear what I should do.

"Do you see that deer?" He whispered.

"Yeah..." I whispered.

"Before hunting, you need to observe his movements, making the deer feel in a good environment and safe... if the deer feels safe he will only try to escape when it's too soon..." he whispered.


"You need to focus, Elena..." He whispered.

"That's a little hard..." I whispered.

"How come?" He whispered, honestly confused.

"Well... all I can think about right now is your hands on my waist... and how much I want to just kiss you..." I whispered, turning around and kissed him passionately.

"Elena..." he groaned, making me smile. "I really enjoy what we are doing but I did promise you to help you in this. I would like to keep my word."

"Okay... but after this I think I need some reword..." I whispered with a smile and he kissed me again.

"I would be more than happy..." Elijah said, making me smile even more.

I turned to the deer who was eating, he was so innocent and I quickly felt unable to hurt the deer. It was only a poor animal with the right to live...

"I can't. I'm sorry, Elijah."

"Why? What happened?"

"It's a beautiful animal that has the right to live and... who am I to take that from it?" I asked.

"You are truly wonderful. I never met someone with so much love in their heart, with so much caring for the people and all living things around them." He said.

"I'm sorry for letting you down." I said looking down.

"You didn't let me down. You could never do that. It just amazes me how caring and loving you are... You don't have to kill the deer. How about only one bite?" Elijah suggested and I nodded.

I don't want him to think that I'm weak and coward, so I focus my attention on the deer and quickly ran to it and take a bite, the taste of the blood is completely different from human bloods, it's worse, which helps me in stopping myself from draining it.

"You did an excellent work." Elijah said and kissed me.

"Thankfully the blood isn't as good as human's." I said. "Will it be alright?"

"Yes, you didn't drink much. I'm sure the deer will be fine in a few days." Elijah reassured me and I gave him a small smile.

" Elijah reassured me and I gave him a small smile

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"Thank you for helping me. Not everyone would be so patient with a baby vampire."

"Elena, you are much more than a newbie vampire. You deserve help when you need and you deserve to be around people who will be there for you when you need them." He said and I kissed him passionately.

He took me to his mansion and quickly I grabbed him and vamp speed us to his room. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me against the wall while we kissed then he left a trail of kisses to my neck, making me moan.

He then lay me in his bed and got on top of me, taking my dress out, I quickly ripped his shirt out and threw it to the ground.

"That was expensive..." he said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will reword you..." I whispered and kissed him passionately.

Elijah started to travel his lips to my neck, then my breasts and finally my belly.

"Elijah... please... make love to me." I whispered because for me this was more than sex.

He smiled to me, kissed me softly and then I felt him getting inside me, making me gasp and moan his name. It felt so good that I even end up digging my nails inside his back, making him bleed.

"That was amazing..." I whispered when we were done and were just cuddling.

"You are amazing." He whispered and kissed me.

AN: hey guys! As some of you might know, I'm not a big hardcore Elejah fan but I'm trying to not let that affect the way I write about them so I hope your reaction to them in this chapter will be something like this⬇️

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AN: hey guys! As some of you might know, I'm not a big hardcore Elejah fan but I'm trying to not let that affect the way I write about them so I hope your reaction to them in this chapter will be something like this⬇️

AN: hey guys! As some of you might know, I'm not a big hardcore Elejah fan but I'm trying to not let that affect the way I write about them so I hope your reaction to them in this chapter will be something like this⬇️

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