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Elena's POV

"Elena? Are you okay?" Rebekah asked right after we bumped into each other.

"I'm fine." I said with a forced smile.

" I said with a forced smile

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"Come on." Rebekah said and took me to her room, then closed the door and looked at me. "You're clearly not okay. What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm not even sure why I'm like this." I said because it's stupid me being like this over Elijah when we barely talk... but things did seem to change when we had our date.

"I know I've been a bitch to you in the past but lately you, Bonnie and Caroline showed me that we can be friends and for what I've heard and all the movies I've seen, friends are there for each other." She said making me smile.

"Fine. But can we keep it between us?"

"Sure. And don't worry, my room is spelled." She said and I nodded.

"So... last night I took Elijah home because he was very drunk." I started and she nodded so I would continue. "Well, when we got here... things started to get a bit heated and we kinda almost hooked up..."

"What?!" She asked with a big smile.

"Well, he started by telling me repeatedly how I was beautiful, then he started to kiss my neck and we ended up in his room with him shirtless but when I was about to kiss him in the lips I realized I didn't want that to happen... at least not with us drunk."

"But you do want it to happen?" She asked with a smile.

"Maybe. Yes. No. I don't know..."

"Those are the options." She said and I gave her a look.

"Did you try to talk to him?"

"Well, when I wake up he was already up and before I could talk about last night, he started to tell me how sorry he was about last night and how that wasn't him and... I guess he just sees what happen as a drunken mistake."

"Did you at least try to tell him how you felt?"

"No! I can't do that. So he can then apologize me for not having the same feelings? No, thank you." I said.

"Look, it's Elijah we are talking about. He is too rational and he is always overthinking everything. You two were both drunk so he probably feels that it shouldn't have happened because it was with both of you drunk and not sober." She said with a small smile.

"I don't know... maybe he regrets what happened, maybe he was thinking of Katherine when he was kissing me..." I said.

"No. Katherine disappointed him multiple times. And let's not forget that he got a date with you..."

"Yeah but was just because he noticed I didn't want to go on a date with Damon." I said.

"He could let you go on a date with Damon, or maybe even not accepting going on a date with you and just fake you two did... but he decided to go on that date and to spend time with you." Rebekah said.

"Thank you... I really needed this talk." I said and hugged her.

"Now changing subject... What happened between you and Stefan?" I asked with a smirk.

"Nothing. I just took him home and we talked and that was it."

"Come on! Nothing?"

"Nothing. And I'm glad nothing happened. I'm always depending on a guy..."

"You know, when we least want to... we fall in love." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"But... don't you feel weird with hearing me talking about Stefan?" She asked.

"No. I might have a past with him but now I see him as a friend and I only want him to be happy. And I think you could be the one who would show him what's like to be happy." I said.

"Thank you, Elena." She said with a smile.

Rebekah's POV

After Elena left, I went to Elijah's room and throw him a book that was on his desk.

"What are you doing? This is first edition." Elijah said, putting the book in the night stand, making me roll my eyes.

"I don't care and neither should you... do you know why? Because your chances with Elena might be last edition and you might just threw everything to the trash."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you trying to always do the right thing can sometimes make you hurt people."

"Can you stop talking in riddles?"

"I really wish I could tell you so then I would say what a stupid jerk dumb guy you can be but I made a promise to not tell anyone. Just... think of what you did and..."

"I apologized to her."

"I know." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, I think I'm starting to understand what you are saying. I need to buy her a basket of fruit as an apology. Thank you, sister." Elijah said and left.

Why do I even try?

AN: Hey guys! Before anything else, I wanted to thank writers_pen987 to give me the suggestion of making Rebekah and Elena be friends because it inspired me to give this chapter where Elena has some bonding girl time with Rebekah. I hope you liked it. If you have any suggestions/opinions/thoughts you would like to share you can let them in the comments or pm me, I don't make promises but I do try to make it happen.
And in case you have a story/video/account you would like to share it, I would be more than happy to help you out 😉

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