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Elijah's POV

After spending hours in the ice rink with Elena, my siblings and her friends, who sometimes she went to talk with, I took Elena to a coffee place near by, while Stefan took Rebekah home, Kol did the same with Bonnie and Niklaus with Caroline.

"Thank you for being okay with me spending time with my friends."

"Of course. They are your friends, I understand your wish to spend time with them." I said and she smiled to me, which made me smile.

I know she's a doppelgänger but her smile is different, she might look like Tatia or Katerina but her smile has so much more emotion. I think that because of everything she went through and because she hold on to her compassion and goodness, her smile is the purest I have ever seen.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Elena asked me.

"Just wondering how someone can be so wonderful..." I said, making her blush and smile again to me.

" I said, making her blush and smile again to me

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"You're the wonderful one." Elena said, holding my hand.

How could that small and simple gesture make me so happy? How was that possible? I don't know but it is... And only Elena has ever made me feel like this.

"I wanted to apologize to you for not being a good partner in the ice rink. You didn't had to stay with me and teach me how to ice skate, I would understand you wanting to have your fun but you stayed with me and helped me... I truly appreciate it." I said.

"Of course I wasn't going to leave you. After me insisting so much for you to go to the ice rink, I would just leave you alone. I wanted you there. Besides... it was very funny to see an Original trying to ice skate." Elena giggled.

"If I wouldn't know any better I would say you were, like they say, mocking me." I said.

"I'm not. I just found amusing that you didn't knew how to practice that sport." She said. "And just so you know, I appreciate you getting out of your comfort zone from times to times because of me. You know... if you don't feel like doing something or going a place, I will understand. I might try to insist a bit but if you don't want or don't feel okay with it, I will understand. I don't want to push you into doing something you don't want to do." She said.

"I appreciate your concern, Elena... But lately, I've been doing things I never expected to do... like when we swam at night without a proper swimsuit or when I was wearing that Henley t-shirt and those jeans. That was all very new and unfamiliar to me... but I'm glad I did them. With you I feel... different, but in a good way... I feel more free and alive than I have ever felt. Before you, I used to only care about the rules and doing the right thing and fighting for my brother's humanity while trying to reunite my family... I felt that responsibility falling on my shoulders after I turned... but now? Now you make me stop from worrying and stop for a minute to appreciate the small things, like swimming or a nice homemade dinner. You make me finally take advantage of my immortality." I said and kissed her passionately.

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