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Caroline's POV

I was now by the lockers talking with Bonnie and trying to find a way to put a good word for Kol, not just because it was what I promised him to do, but also because I think Bonnie needs a little push. I mean, it's clear that there's something going on between her and Kol. I get that she suffered a lot with everyone she already lost but she can't let herself stop from taking chances at happiness and I won't let her do that, as a friend is my duty to make sure that Bonnie won't stop herself from being happy.

"How's been prom's plans?" Bonnie asked.

"They've been good. I mean, now it's a fuzz but you know how it is. I just want to make sure everything will be perfect."

"I'm sure it will. You always do an amazing job in these things. You could be a event planner if you wanted." Bonnie said and we giggled.

"Talking about prom. Who are you thinking I'm going with?"

"No one. I don't think it's necessary to go with a guy to prom. I'll go alone and have fun by dancing with my friends."

"Oh... and why go alone when you can go with Kol?"

"No way." Bonnie quickly said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because it's Kol and he will think this will be like a date and I don't want that."

"How about you two go just as friends?" I asked.

"No..." Bonnie said.

"Bonnie, I wouldn't suggest you to go with Kol if I would think he was a jerk or that he didn't deserve your company. Kol can be very childish but everyone can see that he really cares about you. I mean, it's not every guy that would be okay with being just friends with the girl they were into... and he respects you and your choices. I'm sure if you ask him to go to prom with you only as friends he will respect it."

"It doesn't matter. I can't keep doing this to Kol. I spend time with him and I give him mixed signals when I'm not sure how I feel."

"Bonnie, stop lying to yourself. You know how you feel, you're just afraid to act on it. Trust me, I know what's that like... And if I kept repressing my feelings I would probably not be this happy because I wouldn't let myself give a chance to be with Klaus." I said and before she could say something I added. "I'm not asking you to date Kol, I'm just asking you to not let your fears get in the way of your happiness. I know you went through a lot, specially in these last years but you can't let that stop you from trying to be happy."

"It's just... It's so hard..." Bonnie whispered in tears and I quickly hugged her.

"It's okay. You'll get through this. You're Bonnie Bennett." I whispered to her as we hugged. "Look, I will always respect your decisions but you can't expect me to stay quiet when I see you're avoiding being happy. I know it's scary to give a chance to the unknown but... if you don't, you might miss out on amazing things."

"Yeah... I know. I guess it's just hard... I don't know if I can handle more loss and heartbreak, Care. I mean, I'm only finishing high school and I already lost so many people I care about... How can I be sure this isn't because of me? Maybe I attract this kind of things."

"Bon, you just... you haven't had much luck. But you can't let yourself believe that everyone you care about will die or will leave you. I mean, just look at me and Elena. The three of us have been friends since kindergarten and we are still here." I said and Bonnie hugged me.

"Hey girls! So... anyone has dates for prom?" Rebekah asked.

"No." I said along with Bonnie and Elena.

"Come on! You are with Lijah and you with Nik. I'm sure they will go with you." Rebekah said.

"Who are you going with?" Elena asked.

"Stefan." Rebekah said with a shy smile.

"Stebekah ship is finally sailing!" I said with a big smile.

"We are going as friends."

"If you say so..." I said with a smirk, then looked at Elena. "And I thought we had talked about you and Elijah. I'm sure he would love prom. I mean it's an event where all the guys wear suits so... he would feel very comfortable."

"Yeah... and what about you? I'm sure Klaus would be more than happy to go to prom with you."

"Yeah... I don't know. He doesn't really care about these, and I'm quoting him: human events, so he probably will prefer to stay at home."

"Are you for real? Haven't you notice him around you these past two years? He does whatever you want."

"That's not true." I quickly said.

"Are you kidding? Nik stopped making hybrids because you didn't like it. He still has some of Elena's blood from when she was human but he stopped making hybrids because you hated it." Rebekah said, making me blush and smile shyly.

"Do you seriously think he would go to prom just for me?"

"Of course." The girls said, making me smile.

Klaus's POV

I was now in the living room drawing, while Elijah reading and Kol was watching tv.

"What is so important about prom?"

"I don't know. They have this illusion it will be perfect because it's the last party they have as high schoolers and also because it's for celebrating their last year in high school. Then there's also that King and Queen thing."

"I'm sure Caroline will be the Queen." I said with a smirk.

"I think it will Bonnie."

"Shouldn't be Elena the one with more odds of winning that contest? I mean, everyone wants someone kind for Queen, that's Elena."

"Yeah, Bonnie is kind and selfless, so she deserves it more."

"Caroline I kind, selfless, positive and full of light. She's has everything to be a Queen, and not just some queen of high school, a real Queen." I said with a smirk.

"Well, then you should start to ask her to prom before she decides to go with some random guy... or Tyler." Kol said.

"Should they be asking us? I mean, it's their high school. What if they feel that we are trying to make ourselves invited? That could make them uncomfortable."

"Yeah... and they thinking you don't want to go with them also can make them uncomfortable." Kol said, making me and Elijah look at each other and then we quickly left.

I need to find a way to ask Caroline to prom.

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