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Rebekah's POV

Nik, Kol and I decided to go to the Salvatore boarding house instead of being around Elijah and Elena being all lovey dovey. I like Elijah and I like Elena but it's gross when I see them all giggling and whispering and kissing. Ugh!

Damon quickly left after seeing us because he knew very well that if he was going to stay, he would have to let his snarky comments to himself.

"I think you are exaggerating. Elena and Elijah can't be that bad."

"The Doppelgänger seems to have him under a spell."

"Maybe that's how good she is at sex." Kol said. "Stefan, is she really that good at sex?"

"Kol!" I said in a warning tone.

"What? He is the only one here who knows." Kol said and someone knock on the door, making me relieve because I honestly didn't want to know the answer.

"Hey Stef! I'm sorry but I couldn't stay in that house much longer. I thought maybe you, me and Bonnie could hang out like old times." Caroline said.

"Would you mind if it was more than you 3?" I asked.

"No. You know you are always more than welcomed." Caroline said.

"How about us, love?" Klaus asked, walking over to us with Kol by his side.

"How about us, love?" Klaus asked, walking over to us with Kol by his side

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"Hello, my beautiful witch." Kol said smirking at Bonnie and she smiled shyly.

When will she admit she has feelings for him?

"I guess you aren't the worst company ever." Caroline said to Klaus and Kol. "Anyway, I brought some movies."

"Please tell me it's not some of those girly movies."

"They are not girly!" Caroline said.

"How about one movie that Caroline brought and another that you boys decide." I said.

"We are men!" Kol defended himself.

"Of course you are." I said sarcastically.

"So what's the movie?" Stefan asked.

"The Notebook." Caroline said, making Stefan roll his eyes.

"How can you watch this movie so many times?" Stefan asked,

"It's a story about an epic romance. Who doesn't love that?" Caroline said.

Once the movie started, Stefan seat next to me already bored of the movie.

"Stop! It's not that bad..." I whispered.

"The only good thing about this is that I can be close to you." He whispered and let his arm behind me, resting in the back on the couch, so I linked our fingers, having this amazing familiar feeling of holding hands with him and let him wrap his arm around my neck, while I moved to get closer to him, resting my head in his chest.

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