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Caroline's POV

I woke up with Klaus kissing my cheek.

I woke up with Klaus kissing my cheek

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"Good morning, Love." He whispered.

"Good morning, Klaus." I whispered with a smile, opening my eyes to see his beautiful blue eyes and him smirking with his dimples showing.

"I have to admit that I love waking up to this view."

"What view? Me with a messy hair?"

"You look beautiful. Correction: You are beautiful." He said with a smirk and kissed my cheek, which made me smile.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in here."

"You don't have to thank me. I actually enjoy to sleep with you." He whispered, making me blush. "You look even more beautiful when you blush."

"Stop! You're making me blush." I said with a giggle, then he pulled me to his lap making me giggle again. "I see someone woke up in a good mood..."

"I woke up next to the most beautiful woman in the world... How could I not be in a good mood?"

"So flirty in the morning." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm just being honest, Love."

"I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world."

"You are to me. And I've encounter many beautiful women... although, none of them could compare to you. Most of them had only the beauty... while you... You have the personality, the brain, the strength, the light... you are even more astonishing than the fantasie woman I had before I met you."

"Before you met me? What's that now?" I asked truly curious.

"It's You. You are everything I want and more in a woman." He said, taking me off guard.

"Is that what you say to all the girls?" I quickly asked with a smile because I couldn't possibly be the woman he dreamed of.

I was never good enough... Why would I be good enough now? Specially if it is to Niklaus freakin Mikaelson?

"Why it's so hard for you to believe me? Why can't you see that you are breathtaking? And I'm not only saying that because of your beauty that has no bounds." Klaus said.

"Come on, Klaus! You have a bazillion years old. How can I believe that I'm your dream girl after all the beautiful and important women you met?"

"First of all, you are my dream woman, not girl. Secondly, I might have lived a long life but I never met someone like you. I met all kinds of woman, but you Caroline... you are one of a kind. Never did I thought I would met a woman like you... so brave, so strong, so smart, so decisive, so caring, so kind, so beautiful and so full of light." He said with his thumb caressing my cheek.

Why is the man who is suppose to be the villain, the one who makes me feel so special and loved?

Bonnie's POV

I woke up with Kol looking at me, making me smile without even thinking.

"Good morning, my beautiful witch."

"Good morning, Kol." I whispered. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"It's hard not to admire your beauty. Even when you sleep you look beautiful... and so peaceful." He whispered, caressing my cheek.

"Thanks... I guess..." I said, making him chuckle. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Of course, darling. You know, I'm always more than happy to share a bed with you."

"How can you flirt even before breakfast?"

"You have this effect on me, darling." Kol said with his smirk.

Elena's POV

I woke up with Elijah by my side. He looks so relax when he sleeps.

I know he has been doing things he usually doesn't because he just wants to make me happy but I know that he is still very... stiff. He has a hard time when it comes to do something that he usually doesn't... Usually he can't just relax... but I'm happy that he is trying to do new things and having fun. He deserves to have fun... I know how his life was always about his siblings and trying to get Klaus to be more human but I think now he doesn't need to worry so much: Kol is now going soft because of Bonnie; Rebekah has now friends and is starting to find out who she is when is not after a guy; Klaus is now trying to be his best self because of Caroline. I just wished it would be easier for Elijah to just do whatever he wants and do what makes him happy. He deserves to live his life like he wants and not have this weight on his shoulders. He seems to carry the problems of the world on his shoulders and he doesn't deserve that.

"Watching me sleep? That can be considered creepy." Elijah said, making me realize he woke up.

"I think you mean romantic." I said with a giggle, while he pulled me to get closer to him.

"Good morning, Milady!"

"Good morning, my Lord!" I said and kissed him.

"Good morning, my Lord!" I said and kissed him

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"I love when you sleep in here." He whispered, making me giggle.

"I love it too." I whispered with a smile. "I love sleeping in your arms... you make me feel happy and safe..."

"I'm glad. Because I love it too. And... I'm aware we haven't been together for a long time but with you... I'm my best self. You make me happy and freer. You make me do things I never expected doing. You make me have a new perspective on life." He said and I kissed him passionately.

"I guess is what works so well between us. I make you do crazy stuff and you make me keep my feet on the ground. You make me be aware of things around me."

"I guess, we could say that we complete each other." Elijah said, making me smile and then I kissed him again.

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