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No One's POV

The Mikaelson were now at their mansion, Rebekah was in her room seeing which outfits she had for the date with the Salvatore she didn't really like, Klaus was drawing Caroline in the living room, while Kol was playing in his phone and Elijah was reading a book.

"So... I guess it was needed an auction so you would get Barbie to go out with you, Klaus." Kol said with a smirk without taking his eyes from his phone.

"The same can be said about you and the Bennett witch." Klaus said.

"Kol, You should go a little easier on Miss Bennett. She lost her boyfriend." Elijah said.

"You're my brother. Your suppose to back me up."

"That's why I'm advising you to go easy on her." Elijah said.

"Is that what you are doing with the doppelgänger? Is that your plan? Because it's been about 2 years since you know her and she just broke up with a Salvatore to be with another. I guess it's a doppelgänger thing getting between brothers."

"Elena is not like Tatia nor Katerina. They might be alike but they have different personalities."

"Yet they get always stuck on a love triangle between brothers

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"Yet they get always stuck on a love triangle between brothers." Kol smirked.

"It wasn't Elena's fault. She was sired." Elijah defended her.

"You seem very defensive towards her." Klaus observed.

"It's just because... because she's not here to defend herself." Elijah said.

"Kol, you are talking but you did gave a big amount of money that wasn't really necessary just to get a date with the witch."

"She isn't just any witch, she's a Bennett witch. And I'm not ashamed to say that I'm into strong women who happen to be witches." Kol said.

"What are you going to do for your date with Miss Bennett?" Elijah asked

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"What are you going to do for your date with Miss Bennett?" Elijah asked.

"I'm going to combine her love for movies with her love for movies." Kol said.

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