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Katherine's POV

The plan is working! I can feel it... I talked with my witch friend and the dreams will become more intense. Even if Elijah be able to repress those feelings, I'm sure Elena will ruin everything and hook up with Damon.

Talking about Damon, he and I have been actually had a lot of fun lately, we not only are making this plan work but we are also having incredible sex, getting drunk and draining people together.

It's been a few days since Elijah come to visit me, it was now night and I decided to go out to a bar and I found Elijah drinking.

"Hello there, stranger!" I said.

"Katerina..." He said with his breath smelling like alcohol.

"You know, people might judge you seeing you here all alone and just drinking." I said. "How about we dance for a bit?"

He refused but I insisted and so I took him to the dance floor and made him dance with me, at first I tried to look like I just wanted to dance but then I started to seduce him a bit and move closer to him while dancing, making me now be more rubbing myself at him than actually dancing.

"I missed you..." I whispered to his ear and started to kiss his neck.

"I think Elena still has feelings for Damon." He whispered, so I took advantage of that and took him to my place.

"We can talk better here. What happened?"

"I think Elena and I are growing apart. I feel like she is not completely over Damon..."

"How can she look at him when she has you, Elijah? You are the perfect man." I said and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"And then I'm having these dreams with you and... I'm confused."

"Dreams with me?" I asked faking to be surprised. "How are they like?"

"It's us being together..."

"And do you like it?" I whispered and before he could answer I kissed him passionately.

"I love you, Elena..." he whispered, making my smile drop.

Is he serious? Even drunk he is still into her?

I opted to take him to his place and then I went to the Salvatore house, sneaking into Damon's room.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked.

"Shhh..." I said and kissed him. Weirdly I found his kisses better than Elijah's... but was probably because he was drunk.

"Katherine..." he groaned, making me smirk.

"Say I'm better than Elena."

"You're so much better than Elena..." Damon whispered and pushed me against a wall kissing me passionately.

Elena's POV

I knew Elijah was missing so I was at his place waiting for him to appear while his siblings were out trying to find him in case he would get home.

"Elijah, where were you...?"

"I needed to drink. I lied to you, Elena. I'm not okay. I've noticed us growing apart and I've been having dreams about Katerina which I don't understand because you are the one I love. I love you so much, Elena..." he said drunk.

" he said drunk

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"It's fine." I said. "We will talk better in the morning."

*Next Morning*

After Elijah and I told each other about our weird dreams we went to talk with Bonnie because apparently Elijah thinks that it's odd that we started to have those dreams at the same time and thought it was some kind of spell that someone did on us.

"So... did you find it?" I asked Bonnie while Elijah paced around the room.

"I can feel that someone put a spell on you but this person is strong and I'm having some trouble getting who was it and breaking the spell." Bonnie said.

"So there was a really a spell who made us get all those dreams?" Elijah asked.

"Yes. And at least you figured out now. It was worst if it was in the last stages."

"What would happen?"

"The Dreams would become so intense that you would have this need of being with the person you dreamed of." Bonnie said.

"But who would do this?" I asked.

"Katerina..." Elijah said angry.

"Do you really think she has something to do with this?"

"Of course! She is the one who would want us apart. Katerina and Damon. I wouldn't be surprised if they were working together."

"Damon wouldn't do that." Bonnie said.

"Maybe not. But Katerina knows how to manipulate people in doing what she wants." Elijah said upset.

"Hey! We will get through this..."

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