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Rebekah's POV

I woke up with Stefan next to me, I quickly looked to under the covers and sigh in relief because Stefan and I just slept and nothing else.

I decided to go take a shower but Stefan pulled me to get closer to him.

"We still have time before classes. Let's stay in here a little while longer." Stefan whispered.

"Did I awake you?"

"No. You look very cute when you sleep."

"Stalker much?" I asked, making him laugh.

"I can't help it. You're too beautiful to not look at. How can you be so beautiful even when you're sleeping?" He whispering kissing my shoulder.

"Stefan..." I whispered but he kept kissing my shoulder and then my neck.

I turned around to see him and he use that to pulled me to get me on top of him who's he kissed my neck.

"Stefan... I told you. I don't want a relationship right now." I said.

"I'm sorry. I should have controlled myself..." he said looking down.

"It's fine And... what are you doing?" I quickly said, feeling something.

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything." He said, making me look down and see what was it.

"Tell your friend that." I said giggling.

"I'm so sorry. It's morning and..." he tried to explain, which just made the situation funny.

"Don't laugh. This is not funny!" He sai then look down and yelled. "Calm down! Stop it!"

That just made me laugh.

"Could you not laugh?" He asked while I moved to my side of the bed.

"I'm only laughing because how angry you got. I mean, I never saw anyone yelling at it before." I said laughing.

Caroline's POV

I woke up with Klaus kissing my shoulder and the crook of my neck.

"Were you kissing me while I slept?"

"No. I was waking you up with kisses." He said, making me giggle.

"That's kinda creepy."

"Or is it romantic?" He asked, making me giggle.

Now that I was up, he wasn't kissing me anymore so I kissed his cheek.

"Good morning, Klaus!"

"Good morning, Love!" He said with a smirk and I kissed his cheek again and then his jawline and now I was kissing his neck, making him grown.

He quickly got on top of me and started to kiss my neck, making me moan. I didn't care if it was right or wrong, I just wanted to having him kiss me and maybe more...

"Love, you're making really hard for me to resist you..." He whispered between the kisses, making me giggle.

"Klaus..." I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist, making him smirk.

"For how much I'm enjoying this I have to take a shower." He said and got out of the bed, walking over to his private bathroom and I heard him mumble. "A very cold shower..."

Elena's POV

I woke up with someone kissing my lips and making me smile because I knew who was it. I still can't believe I'm dating Elijah Mikaelson.


"My lord..." I said and we both smiled at our nicknames.

"I brought you some breakfast. I didn't know what you would prefer so you have French toasts, waffles, pancakes, blood bags and fruit so you could have whatever you would like."

"This is too much... You didn't need to bother." I said with a smile.

"It's no bother if in the end I get you smiling like that."

"I have the best boyfriend ever."

"I like that. Say that word again..."

"Boyfriend..." I said with a smile and we kissed. "Come on, lets eat before it gets cold."

Bonnie's POV

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Bonnie's POV

I woke up with Kol by my side and with us holding hands. I don't know why but holding hands with him just feels so right...

I looked at him sleeping and snoring slightly which kinda made him cute, then I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Hmmm... What a nice way to wake me up. Good morning, darling!"

"Good morning, Kol!" I whispered and was going to kiss his cheek but he moved his head, making me kiss his lips.

"You just had to ruin it." I said and he smirked.

"Come on, Bonnie! You can't blame a guy for trying."

"Will you keep a secret these kisses that we had?" I asked.

"Of course, darling. I would never break your trust." He said and so I kissed him, he was a bit shocked but quickly kissed me back with a smirk.

"What is this, darling? What these kisses mean?" Kol asked.

"I don't know. And I'm not ready to figure out. I'm sorry, Kol." I whispered and he kissed me softly.

"I'll wait for you." He whispered looking me in the eyes in a serious tone, making me smile.

AN: Hey guys! So this chapter I tried to include all the ships, instead of focusing only on one. Which one was your favorite? What was your favorite moment? Stefan yelling at his "friend"? Klaus needing a cold shower to control himself? Elejah using their nicknames of my lord and Milady and Elijah making breakfast for Elena? Or Kol being understanding and wanting to wait for Bonnie?

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