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Caroline's POV

I just got to high school and I noticed Elena and a guy near a car, when I looked at but better, I noticed it was Elijah with casual clothes.

Damn, he looks hot with those clothes... Wait, are those Klaus's clothes?

I took a photo of Elijah with casual clothes because it was epic seeing Mr. Suits in those clothes, then I decided to text Klaus.

'Good morning, Klaus! Did you saw Elijah today?'

'Good morning, Love! Why do you ask that? Do you want something with my brother?'

'No. But I just saw him and I couldn't believe in my eyes.'

'May I know why?'

'Because he is NOT on a suit.'

'Are you sure it's my brother Elijah?'


I quickly send Klaus a photo of Elijah in the casual clothes.

'He is wearing my clothes.'

Yeah, and he looks good in them..., I thought but I knew I couldn't send that because then Klaus would think that I had a thing for Elijah and would be all upset and for some reason I didn't want him upset with me.

'Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I have to go. Bye!'

'Have a great day, love. See you soon.'

I smiled at the text, but quickly put the phone back to my pocket when I noticed Elena walking over to me.

"Hey! What's that smile for?" Elena asked with a smile.

"No reason. And what's up with Elijah in casual clothes? Please tell me you guys aren't roleplaying for later..."

"What? No! In our date I told him that I find amusing how he is always wearing a suit and how I was curious how he would be with normal clothes so he made me this surprise."

"Aww! That's sweet!" I said. "So I'm guessing your date with Elijah went well."

"It did. We are... dating." She said shyly.

"Oh my God! That's amazing! And slightly weird. Who would know you would date a Mikaelson."

"At least is not Klaus."

"Hey! You could do a lot worst than Niklaus Mikaelson."

"Wow! Someone sure is defensive of Klaus

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"Wow! Someone sure is defensive of Klaus."

"I'm not! I just think... he isn't that bad..." I said and she gave me a look. "Fine. I admit it. I'm getting a bit more defensive of Klaus... it's hard not to be when he is so nice to you."

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