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Klaus's POV

Caroline was very drunk so I took her to her place, hoping her mother to be there but she wasn't, Liz had only let a note in the table saying that she had another shift. Seeing the note, I couldn't let Caroline alone, so I stayed and she convinced me in drinking a bit more while being on the couch.

"I mean... is it something I did? Or something about me? Is the way I am? Why can't I ever have a guy look at me and say 'she's the one, she's the one I'm madly in love with'. It's always the same. They fall for Elena and when they get heartbroken, they find me and I get to be their back-up. Why can't I ever have a guy look at me like I'm their whole world? Why can't I ever be the one?" Caroline asked drunkly, holding a bottle of bourbon.

"Love, I think you had a bit too much."

"Klaus... why do you think this happens? Should I change the way I am? Am I not beautiful enough? Do I need more makeup? What is it? I know my friends won't be honest with me about this... so please tell me... what's wrong with me?" Caroline asked, breaking my heart.

How could she think so low about herself? How could she even put the idea of her not being beautiful or change her personality?

"There is nothing wrong with you, Love."

"Then why did I lose my virginity to a guy who just hurt me? Why did I dated a guy who choose to work instead of spending time with me and broke up with me when found out I was a vampire? Why did Tyler cheat on me?" She asked with her eyes watery.

"I might have lived a long life but those are questions I don't know the answer to, for how much I try to think about it. I have no idea how someone who has a chance to be with you, decides to put you in second place, to hurt you or to betray you."

"You're just saying that to get in my pants..." Caroline said, not believing me.

"Love, What I'm saying it's the way I see it. I can't see why someone would make you suffer... You are beautiful, smart, kind, generous, loving, protective, positive and full of light..." I said, meaning every single word.

"It would be so much easier if we had met in different circumstances..." Caroline whispered.

What she meant by that? Is she saying that she has feelings for me? Or is she just drunk?

"Why are you always so nice to me? I mean, why not Elena?"

"Because I'm fond of you, not Elena." I said.

"Why? What made me stand out?"

"Everything. In the day I met you, Tyler was turning and there was a chance he could hurt you but you choose to stay by his side even knowing the risks. You were so loyal... I never had met someone like you." I said, remembering when we were in the classroom with Tyler turning.

Caroline hugged me, getting me off guard but I hugged her back, tightly, not wanting to let her go. Once we broke the hug, I felt her looking at my lips and that she was going to kiss me, for how much I would enjoy that, I didn't want our first kiss to be with her drunk to then wake up and regret it, so I grabbed her on bridal style and took her to her bed, so she could sleep.

"You know what, Klaus? You're kinda like Wall-E." She said after I made her lay down in the bed. "At first you're all alone and people don't like you but then we get to know you and see that you are full of love... and you even save a plant!"

 and you even save a plant!"

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Elena's POV

Elijah was drunk so I took him to the mansion, so he could get some sleep.

"Elena, did I ever told you that you're very beautiful?" Elijah asked, making me giggle.

"It's about the 10th time you said since we got out of the bar." I said.

"But you are... it's like, I can't even look at you directly." He said looking away. "But then I can't help myself and just have to look at you."

He looked at me while I giggled Of his drunken behavior.

"You know... I never had someone who had made me dinner. I mean, I did had the servants but no woman ever cooked for me because they wanted. But of course you did, you have this giant heart..." he said and kissed my cheek.

"It was nothing, Elijah." I said.

"Wrong. It was something. You make us incredibly delicious food, which you didn't had to and you were amazing to talk to. You're so special, Elena." He said and hugged me, then when he was about to break the hug, I felt his lips on my neck.

What is he doing? Why does it feel so good? Part of me knew this was wrong because we were both feeling the effects of alcohol but then there was this other part that only cared that it felt good having Elijah kissing me...

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me against the wall, with his Vampire speed, making me moan, then I felt once again his lips and tongue on my neck.

"Elijah..." I moaned, then I ripped his shirt off and kissed his chest.

"Elena..." he groaned and vamp speed us to his room, I pushed him against the bed and got on top of him, kissing his abs, his chest and when I was about to kiss his lips, I stopped myself from kissing him.

" he groaned and vamp speed us to his room, I pushed him against the bed and got on top of him, kissing his abs, his chest and when I was about to kiss his lips, I stopped myself from kissing him

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"I-I'm Sorry." I said because I couldn't be like this with Elijah, not only was he drunk, so was I and I just wasn't thinking clearly.

"Are you going to leave?" Elijah asked with a vulnerable look, which I never have seen before.

"No. I'll stay." I said and let myself fall asleep while we cuddle.

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