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Caroline's POV

It was night and Elena, Bonnie, Rebekah and I were all in the Mikaelson mansion, with our pjs, ready to start the sleepover. Although right now, Rebekah was arguing with Klaus to let us get the living room just to ourselves.

"Rebekah, this is my house I can be whatever I am." Klaus argued, making me roll my eyes.

This argue was lasting for more than 20 minutes and I was done with it, so I went to the living room, which made them stop arguing and then I looked at Klaus with a sweet smile.

"Klaus, can you let us have the living room just for tonight. It's girl night... I mean, we could always go to a bar and dance with random guys..."

"No!" Klaus quickly said, then looked at me and sighed with a smirk. "You can have the living room for tonight."

"Thank you." I said and gave him a peck on the cheek, which surprised him and he smirked at me and left.

"How did you do that?"

"She has Klaus wrapped around her finger." Elena said, making me give her a look.

"I just asked him nicely." I said.

"Yeah right..." the girls said, making me roll my eyes.

We watch the movie Mean Girls and then Pitch Perfect, which we all sang the songs, we ate junk food and talked about boys but we had to use code names for the Mikaelsons so they wouldn't understand, making Klaus be Joseph, Elijah be Daniel and Kol be Nathan.

"The truth is that I don't completely hate Joseph. Sometimes he is sweet and nice but then there's also the times he was a jerk and only wanted one thing and didn't care who would get get in the process..."

"But...?" Bonnie said, knowing there was a but coming.

"But since I've seen this side of him that he is nice and sweet, it's kinda hard to not care about him... even if it's just a little bit. But I just broke up with Tyler and I also know I'm not ready for another relationship. And let's not forget it's Joseph! I mean, I'm nothing much compared with him... I'm just a newbie vampire who never left this small town..."

"Yeah but he likes you for who you are, not where you've been." Rebekah said and I hugged her.

"Thank you. I'm sorry if I was kinda mean to you when you appeared." I said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for the way I betrayed you, Rebekah." Elena said with a shameful look.

"We're all sorry for not actually giving you a chance to make us see that you aren't actually evil." Bonnie said.

"At least you girls eventually tried. I'm used to not get along with anyone because of being an Original. I also never had any real girl friends. This is really new to me."

"Well, you better get used to idea because now you have 3 girl friends." I said and we gave a group hug.

"Thank you, girls." Rebekah said. "Now how about Bonnie tell us about Nathan."

"Stop! Don't start making movies in your head

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"Stop! Don't start making movies in your head. Nathan is just a childish guy who thinks he is a womanizer who can get whatever girl he wants. Besides, I don't think I should even think about getting in a relationship." Bonnie said.

"Why not? Bonnie, we had this conversation already. Jeremy is gone and I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be alone and sad forever." Elena said.

"And maybe he will be more than a childish and womanizer guy. I mean, he did make a big effort..." Rebekah defended her brother.

"Yeah. Not every guy would do that." I agreed with Rebekah.

"Elena, it's time for you to tell us a bit more about... Daniel."

"Nothing happened. We had a nice time getting to know each other and that was it." Elena said. "But I think we have been all talking too much, comparing to Rebekah. We've been seeing you and Stefan hanging out quite often lately."

"Nothing's going on." Rebekah said.

"Look, I know I have a past with Stefan but our relationship it's in the past. He is now just my friend. I don't think our relationship had a future in the moment I turned." Elena said and Rebekah sigh.

"I really don't think Stefan and I will be anything but friends. And I think that even if we tried it wouldn't be the same. We all look at the past all nostalgic and it's not always how we remembered. I like to talk with him so I don't think I'm ready to ruin it by trying to get in a relationship with him."

"We understand." Bonnie said with a smile.

"I think I'm going to get some blood. Where do you keep it?" I asked.

"Basement." Rebekah said and I smiled to her then I looked for the basement but when I got there I found Klaus.

"Hello, Love!"

"Hey! I just came here to get some blood bags."

"Here you go." He said, handing me blood bags with blood B+.

"Thank you. These are my favorite!" I said with a smile.

"I know. I'm sure Joseph doesn't..." he said more to himself but thanks to my vampire hearing I heard him.

"Seriously? You listen to or conversation."

"It's not my fault. I am a hybrid. I can listen very well."

"You can control how much you can listen." I said.

"What? Didn't you want me to know about this Julius guy?" Klaus asked.

"I just didn't want to have people getting in my business."

"Who the bloody hell is Jackson?" He asked angry and I just turned around to leave

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"Who the bloody hell is Jackson?" He asked angry and I just turned around to leave. "Are you really not going to talk to me?" He asked and I just gave him a look. "Came on, Love. Don't be like that..."

"Seriously? I'm not the one listening to other people's conversation." I said upset.

"I'm sorry, love." He said with his puppy dog eyes, which I couldn't resist.

"Fine. Just don't do it again!" I said in a firm tone and he nodded, then I got back to the living room.

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