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Bonnie's POV

I was at Caroline's place, with Elena and Care (obviously), having some old trio fun, or at least trying to... but it was hard to not think about Kol.

"Bon, did you listen to anything that I said?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah..." I lied.

"So what do you think?" Caroline asked and I just look at her to try to see what was the answer she wanted to hear.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening." I said in shame.

"It's fine." Caroline said with a smile. "But what's going on with you?"

"Yeah, you seem distant." Elena said.

"Nothing's going on. Why would something be going on?" I asked and they gave me a look. "Fine. Last night I drank way too much and so Kol appeared and took me home, then we kinda kissed and that happened again this morning."

"Wow! Bonnie getting some!" Caroline said.

"Wow! Bonnie getting some!" Caroline said

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"How was it?" Elena asked curious.

"It doesn't matter. We agreed to act like nothing happened." I said.

"Meaning: You decides to act like nothing happened and he went with it." Caroline said.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Bon, you know that it's okay to be with another guy, right? We all know that you loved my brother but... he's gone... and I'm sure he wants you to be happy."

"I'm just not ready." I said.

"But when you will be, we will want all the dirty details!" Caroline said with a smirk.

"There will be no dirty details to tell."

"Sure there won't." Caroline said sarcastically, making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever. How was Klaus when he realized he had to eat at a McDonald's?"

"At first, he didn't seem to like it that much and was all like 'You deserve to have a dinner in a place way better than this, Love, and blah blah blah' but then I tried to make him see that what matter was that we were together and we ended up having a nice time." Caroline said with a smile. "I now it might be too soon but I think I Love Nik. I never felt like this. No guy ever made me feel like he does."

"That's great!" Elena said with a smile.

"We haven't said those words yet. We say that we are in love with each other but we don't say that we love each other..."

"Why don't you just tell him?" I asked.

"Because it's incredibly painful to tell someone that you love them and not have say it back. And I would just scare him away..."

"Care, Klaus was known by being the biggest, baddest, most feared monster in the entire world but when he is with you he acts like a little puppy who just wants to please you... It's really cute, actually." Elena said. "I'm sure he loves you."

"Yeah... I mean, he is been after you since he got here and he does everything he can to be on your good side. He likes you. And let's not forget that I never saw you this happy before..." I said and Caroline hugged me and Elena.

"You girls are awesome!"

Rebekah's POV

I was in the Salvatore Boarding House because last night Stefan wanted some company to not listen to Damon and Katherine making out and I was also in no mood to see Elijah and Elena exchanging while Klaus would be following Caroline like a lost puppy.

Stefan and I had woken up awhile ago but we decided to stay in bed, cuddling.

"Oh... Yeah..." We heard Katherine in the other room moaning.

"Gross!" I said, making Stefan chuckle.

"Now imagine them like this 23 hours a day, I just think it's not 24/7 because they need to rest at some time." Stefan said making me giggle.

"What do you say about some vengeance? Making them see their own hell?"

"What's your idea?" Stefan asked curious.

"We can have sex... or pretend to have sex, making them see how annoying they can be." I suggested.

"I would be very happy with just having sex but I guess pretending it won't be all bad." Stefan said, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Let a crack of the door open so they could hear us." I said and so he got up from the bed and opened the door a bit. So I started to moan. "Oh... Yeah... Oh... Stefan..."

"Do you like that? How about this... oh..." Stefan faked groaning, making me want to giggle but I was able to contain myself.

"Stefan, I like how you can be so rough..." I faked moan.

"Oh... Yeah... how about this?" Stefan said and pushed me against the wall, making me moan as I felt getting pressed against the wall and as a reflex I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"That's it..." I yelled, faking to be another moan.

"I want you so badly..." he groaned and kissed my neck.

"Stefan..." I moaned as he got on my sweet spot.

"Close the freakin door!" Damon yelled from his room, then we heard his door being slammed, making Stefan stop kissing me, he looked at me and I gave him a small smile as I took my legs from him, getting my feet back in the floor, then he closed t...

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"Close the freakin door!" Damon yelled from his room, then we heard his door being slammed, making Stefan stop kissing me, he looked at me and I gave him a small smile as I took my legs from him, getting my feet back in the floor, then he closed the door.

"I guess it worked..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry for the whole kissing thing. It was way out of line." Stefan whispered.

"It's fine. It's not like I completely hated it." I whispered blushing, making him smile.

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