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Bonnie's POV

I was at my place and someone knock on the door, when I open it, I saw it was Kol, which made me smile for some unknown reason.

"Hey, Kol!"

"Hello again, my beautiful witch!" He said with a smirk and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if we could go on a date, for real."

"Kol, I told you. I'm not ready for a relationship."

"I think you are. If you weren't we would be kissing. I know I like you and I think you like me too." Kol said, holding my hands. "Please, give us a chance..."

"I can't. I'm not ready to be in a committed relationship and... it wouldn't be fair for you."

"How about we just go out to a movie as friends and see what will happen after that?"

"You're describing a date."

"Damn! Why are you so smart?" He asked. "I can't even trick you into going on a date with me."

"I'm sorry, Kol." I said. "And I'm sorry for the times I kissed you. I'm giving you mixed signals and that's not fair."

"Hey! Don't ever apologize me for kissing me." Kol said, making me blush.

"Either way, it can't happen again. Not when I'm not ready for a relationship nor sure what I feel..."

"I understand, darling. How about one last kiss?"

"Nice try." I said with a smile.

"Can't blame a guy for trying."

"And so I've been told." I said and we both chuckled.

"I better go." He said and gave me a peck on my forehead before leaving.

Why didn't I said yes to one last kiss? I'm so dumb!

Caroline's POV

I was again with Klaus at my place studying geometry. We were in my room, laying on my bed while I tried to understand this stupid subject.

"I can't focus when you are looking at me like that..." I said noticing Klaus not taking his eyes off of me.

"Can you really blame me? You're mother is an artist..." he said making me look at him. "She made you... the most beautiful master piece I ever encounter in my entire life."

"Niklaus Mikaelson, using old pick-up lines. That's new." I mocked and he just looked at me and took a piece of my hair that was blocking part of my vision and put it behind my ear.

"It's not a pick-up line. You are truly a master piece. Any artist would dream of being able to be able to paint you."

"You did draw me..."

"It wasn't nearly as beautiful as you." He said.

"Why are you saying all this now?" I asked looking back at the book to avoid eye contact.

"Because I was a wanker for not telling you this sooner. Although you are much more than just beautiful... not many can say the same." He said, making me look at him and see him being honest.

"Why do you make this so hard? Why can't you just be like everyone says you are?" I whispered.

That was more a thought I said out loud, I never meant to say it out loud but I did and now he was just looking at me like if he was trying to solve a puzzle.

"This can't happen. It's wrong." I said getting up from the bed to get some space to let myself think before doing something I could regret... or not.

"Why? Elena is with Elijah. Why do you have to deny what you feel for me? And don't you say you don't feel anything for me because I can see you care about me and I know there's an attraction here and is not only coming from me. Why deny it? Is it because of what others might think? Or are you still afraid of me? Is that it? Are you still afraid of the big bad wolf?"

"Of course I'm afraid." I said and quickly regret it.

" I said and quickly regret it

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"I will always be the villain. I understand." He said and left.

Oh crap! What have I done?

I quickly went after him and saw him drinking from someone near the Grill so I pushed him away and compelled the girl he was drinking from to forget what happen, take care of the wound and tell everyone that it was a kinky thing.

"What the hell, Klaus? If I hadn't got here sooner, she would be dead."

"Why so surprised, Love? I'm the big bad wolf. I'm the villain. Or did you forget about that?"

"I didn't meant like that, you jerk!" I yelled.

"Then why do you fear me?"

"Because when I'm around you I'm vulnerable, okay? Because I'm always afraid of you getting done of me rejecting you and move on! That's why I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid you'll hurt me like every other guy who I thought were interested in me did." I yelled angry.

"So... you don't see me as a villain?"

"Of course not! You save my life tones of times, you care about me, you gave me gifts, you make me feel better when I'm sad, you help me in Geometry... why would I think of you as the villain? I know many people see you like that but I don't." I said and he kissed me.

There was two voices in my head in the moment he kissed me, one telling me to push him away and to give him a piece of my mind and another telling me to just enjoy the kiss.

I was about to push him away but then I felt him deepening the kiss and I couldn't stop myself and kiss him back.

"I'm sorry, love." He whispered when broke the kiss. "I told you I would wait for you and I'm going to wait... Usually is Elijah the man of his word but with you... I have to do the right thing..."

"So... lets just act like this didn't happen." I said doing with it and he nodded.

Maybe I should be upset but part of me was actually glad because after that kiss he could be expecting me to want to get in a relationship with him or something and I just don't think I'm ready right now.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. What were your thoughts about it?
This chapter was mostly focus on Klaroline but next chapter will be completely focus on Elejah... 😉


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