3| Breakfast

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After her Force bond with Ben ended, Rey decided it was late enough for her to leave her room. She walked quietly through the halls of the Millennium Falcon in search of something to do. Something to fix.

Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things, she thought.

Just then she came across an electrical panel that a family of porgs had destroyed and built their nest in.

Rey smiled and shook her head. She went to find a box to put their nest in, the pieces of paper and cloth could cause a fire so close to the power source.

When she returned, she knelt down and carefully placed the porgs' nest in the box. There were three baby porgs in the nest, along with their mother and father.

"This will be your new home," she said carefully placing the box in a corner. The mother porg hopped into the box, followed by the father to join their babies.

Rey smiled at the family of porgs. They had everything she had ever wanted, a home, a family, and belonging. They had the things she feared she would never have. The Millennium Falcon was far closer to a home than anything she had ever known, and the Resistance was the closest thing to a family she had ever had. But something was still missing, at times she felt that she didn't belong. She was different, and more powerful than even she knew, because of it her friends feared her and didn't understand her. But how could she ever fit in when she was the last of her kind, the Last Jedi? How would she ever belong when there was no one else like her? And she feared that no one would ever love her enough to stay, to never leave her, and to return if they were forced to leave.

She returned to the electrical panel and began repairing it, hoping that it might take her mind off the deep loneliness she felt. Fixing things had always helped when she lived on Jakku, but now things were different. Now that she had experienced the company of others, she only longed for it more.

Soon Finn came walking down the hall, he looked very tired. He stopped when he saw Rey, he looked at her curiously. "Rey, what are you doing up and about so early?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep," she answered. She didn't want him to ask her about the nightmare again so she tried to think of a way to change the subject as quickly as possible. "What about you?"

"I'm going to check on Rose," he said.

Rose was still unconscious, and Finn would check on her every chance he got, he was always at her side.

Rey smiled. "You're very good to her."

"She was very good to me, she risked her life to save me, I can do no less," Finn answered.

Rey nodded. "She must care about you very much to risk her life for you."

Finn nodded.

"Let me know when she wakes up, so I can thank her for saving my best friend," Rey said, giving Finn a quick hug.

"I will," he promised, then he left to check on Rose.

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Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now