How Strong You Truly Are

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That evening, Rey and Ben sat with Leia in the sitting room.
"Rey found a way to stop Snoke, once and for all." Said Ben.
Leia leaned forward slightly, and looked at Rey expectantly.
"Snoke is the strongest force user who has ever lived, Ben and I aren't strong enough to defeat him alone." Said Rey.
"Together, through our bond in the Force, we would be strong to overcome him," said Ben. "
"But not until our bond becomes stronger." Rey added.
"How?" Leia asked.
"The closer we become the stronger our bond grows," said Ben. "Already, we can feel each other's pain, sense each other's feelings and emotions, and sometimes we can even hear each other's thoughts."
"I've never seen a Force bond as strong as yours, I don't know how it could become any stronger," said Leia.
"We have to become one in the Force," Rey explained. "It's the only way we'll be strong enough to defeat Snoke."
"But how can you become one in the Force, you're already so close. I know that you love each other with all of your heart," said Leia.
Ben blushed and looked at the floor.
Leia smiled at Ben. "I'm your mother, you can't hide it from me," she said.
He nodded. "We have to go to Ach-To where our bond was at it's strongest," he said.
Leia nodded. "Then go, you and Rey are our only hope against Snoke. The Force chose you for this, I can feel it. You were made for each other, you were made to be together," said Leia. "Ben I know that you have always felt like a part of you was missing, and I feel that you have felt the same way Rey, now I know that what you were missing was each other."
Ben nodded, "when I'm with Rey, I feel whole."
Rey smiled and reached over to grab his hand. "Me too," she whispered.
"Ben, I love Rey like a daughter, promise that you won't let anything happen to her," said Leia.
"I promise, with all of my heart," Ben replied. He would never let anything happen to her.
"Rey please promise that you'll take care of my son while you're gone."
"Mom..." Ben began.
"I promise," Rey interrupted. "And I won't let Snoke hurt him." She went over to Leia, pulling Ben with her. She wrapped her arms around her, hugging her. Ben smiled, he was happy that Rey and his mother were so close, he wrapped his arms around them both, placing a kiss on their foreheads.
"Mother, while we're gone could you do something for me?" he asked.
"Yes, Ben, anything," she replied.
"Can you watch over Temiri... and Oniho and Arashell? I promised Temiri that I would never leave him, that I would always be there for him, but it's too dangerous for me take him with us, please help him understand."
"I will," Leia promised.
"And if we don't come back, please find a home for him and his friends," he added.
"They will have a home with me, Ben," she said, tears filled her eyes. "But please promise me that you'll come back, you, Rey and the Resistance are all I have left, I've lost everyone else. My heart isn't strong enough to loose you Ben, not after I lost everyone else that I care about, I lost you once... I can't loose you again."
"No one's ever really gone, we will always be with you, no matter what happens," he answered. "And I know that you are strong enough, no one in the galaxy is stronger than you. No matter how much you lost you never gave up, you never lost hope. I spent so many years wanting to be as strong as my grandfather, that I never realized how strong you truly are."
Leia hugged her son, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Ben."
He kissed her forehead, then stood offering his hand to Rey and pulling her to her feet.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now