37| We Have What We Came For

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Ben followed the man several feet away from the village. Finally, they reached a stone hut. The man opened the door and went inside. Ben followed the man inside. A fire blazed in the center of the room, lighting up the inside of the hut. As Ben entered the room, the warmth of the fire hit his wet skin.

He looked around the room until he spotted a cot in the far corner. He could see a still figure laying there. It was Rey. Ben hurried over to her.

He knelt on the floor beside her. Her eyes were closed tightly and she wasn't moving.
"Rey?" he whispered.

There was no response. He removed his gloves. Then he gently touched her cheek with one hand and softly stroked her forehead with the other. "Rey?" he asked again.

This time her eyes fluttered open. "Ben?" she whispered, weakly.

"I'm here," he answered.

She grabbed one of his hands and held onto it as she closed her eyes again. Her light was fading, and so was her life, Ben could sense it.

Ben turned to the old man. "What's wrong with her?" he asked softly, nearly choking on his words.

"We don't know," the man answered, in a low voice.

Ben looked around, there was no sign of any technology. The equipment used for healing was ancient. As was what little medicine he could see. "I need to take her to my ship where she can be treated," he told the old man.

The man nodded.

Ben pulled his cape off and wrapped it around Rey. Then he lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the hut.

He carried her through the rain, careful to keep her dry.

"Sir what should we do with the villagers?" asked one of the death troopers.

"Leave them, we have what we came for," Ben said, as he carried her up the ramp of his ship.

The knights of Ren were quick to obey their master.

The death troopers, were secretly disappointed. But they did not question their orders... this time.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now