Hold Your Fire

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The impact of the crash jolted them forward. Ben's head was crashed against the roof of the tie silencer. Blood ran down his face and in his hair.
Rey was jolted unconscious, and had also received a wound to her head, but it was not as bad as Ben's.

The guards stood ready as the shuttle doors began to open.
"Don't fire!" Poe said, coming out of the shuttle with his hands raised.
"Hold your fire!" Leia ordered.
The guards lowered their blasters.
"This must be how you two felt on Crait." He told Rose and Finn.
They nodded.
"Poe!" Leia exclaimed, and ran over to hug him.
Poe wrapped his arms around the woman who had become like a mother to him.
"I heard that you were captured by the First Order." She said. "I was so worried."
"We're safe now," Poe answered, rubbing her back.
R2-D2 rolled out of the shuttle. "R2!" C-3PO exclaimed. He ran to greet his little friend.
BB-8 fallowed closely behind, with BB-9E rolling beside him.
"BB-8!" C3PO added. "I'm glad we're all back together again. Why you two keep going off on all of these adventures, I'll never know."
Then he looked at the little black droid. "Who is this?" He asked.
"BB-9E, my friend." BB-8 replied, beeping.
"It's nice to meet you." C-3PO told the First Order droid.
"It's nice to meet you too." She answered. Then she looked at BB-8. He extended his lighter to give her a thumbs up.
She pulled out her own lighter to return the gesture.
Rose and Finn came out of the shuttle hand in hand. They were fallowed by lieutenant Kaydel and Chewbacca.
Chewbacca went over to Leia and hugged her.
"I was worried about you too, Chewy." She said.
She looked at the group and noticed that someone was missing. "Where's Rey?" She asked.

Just then Rey regained consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly, at first everything was blurry. And she couldn't remember where she was, but then she felt Ben's hand still grasping her own. And she suddenly became worried for him. She still couldn't see very well.
But Luke's words echoed in her mind: "Use the Force, Rey."
So she did. She could feel that Ben was still alive, but badly wounded.
She closed her eyes tightly then reopened them. Slowly her vision returned. She looked at Ben and gasped as she saw the blood on his face. She touched his head gently. He had lost a lot of blood and he was weak, from holding back the hundreds of bolts shot by the stormtroopers. She knew he needed help as quickly as possible.
She tried to open the tie silencer door, but it had been damaged in the crash, and she couldn't get it open. She pushed against it again but still it wouldn't move.
Ben took a deep shuttering breath of air, then opened his eyes slightly.
Rey went over to him. "Ben," she whispered, her eyes filled with tears.
"Rey," he answered weakly. He lifted his hand and she took it.
She stroked his face gently. "I'm so sorry, Ben." She said. "It's because of me you're hurt."
"No, because of you, I'm free." He answered weakly. Then he closed his eyes.
Rey laid her head on his shoulder and began to weep. She couldn't help but blame herself.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now