She's Right Here

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Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel reached Snoke's throne room to find it filled with sparks falling from the ceiling, and the room was almost completely destroyed.
"What happened?" Finn asked, as he looked around.
Poe shrugged, confused.
Finn looked at the floor to see Rey and Ben laying there unmoving, with their hands touching.
"Are they..." Rose began.
"I don't know," Finn answered, going over to kneel next to them. He reached over and pressed his finger against Rey's wrist. "She's still alive!" he said relieved as he felt her pulse. He went over to Ben, touching his wrist and felt his pulse as well. "So is he."
Rose sighed in relief.
"Well Snoke is definitely dead," Poe said.
Kaydel looked up from where Rey and Ben were laying, toward Snoke's throne.
Poe covered her eyes before they reached him. "Don't look, it's not a pretty's horrible actually."
"Poe, can you please help me carry Ben?" Finn asked a bit exhausted from trying to lift him on his own.
Poe nodded and went over to help Finn lift Ben from the floor, while Kaydel went over to help Rose with Rey.
"Let's get out of here before this place blows," Poe said.
They all nodded, then carried Rey and Ben out of the throne room and to the shuttle.
Finn and Poe laid Ben down on the floor, and he began to struggle.
"Rey!" he cried, groggily. He started fighting Finn and Poe in a state somewhere between conscious and unconscious.
Finn and Poe struggled to hold him down as he fought to escape their grasps.
"What's wrong with him?" Finn asked.
"He's worried about Rey," Rose explained. "She was probably in danger before he blacked out."
Finn nodded, as Ben continued to struggle and cry out for Rey.
Rose noticed that Finn and Poe's attempts to hold Ben down was only making it worse. "Just let him go," she pleaded.
Finn released his hold on Ben's arm and stepped back. Poe gave in and followed his example.
"Rey!" Ben cried again.
"Rey's safe, she's right here," Rose said in a gentle voice as she laid Rey down next to Ben.
Ben calmed down instantly, and wrapped his arms around her, before he stopped moving and returned to an unconscious state.
" let's get out of here," said Poe as he ran to the pilot seat. Then he flew out of the landing bay back towards the Resistance fleet.
He looked out the window and watched as squadron of X-wings moved towards the control ship, if they could take it down the whole fleet would be useless, except for the three manned star destroyers. Poe couldn't help but wish that he were out there with the squadrons of X-wings, but he knew that his friends were depending on him.
There was a small explosion from the command ship as the bombs they had placed went off. That should mean that the shields were offline, and that the squadrons would be able to move in on it. Poe only hoped that it had worked.
The squadrons moved in and opened fire on the large star destroyer. They were under heavy fire from the main ship as well as the rest of the fleet, the Resistance was taking a heavy hit.
"I'm not sure if they're going to make it," Poe said.
Kaydel nodded, a concerned expression painted on her face.
Just then, the Millennium Falcon swooped into view.
Poe cheered. "Way to go Chewie!"

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now