61 | More Than A Scavenger

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Ben knew he couldn't wait any longer, if he did Rey could be hurt or killed. And he couldn't live with that. He grabbed his lightsaber and the lightsaber Rey had given him. He walked over to the door. But then he stopped and went back to get the lightsaber he had made for Rey.

Ben left his room. He ran through the halls skidding like a little boy. A group of stormtroopers watched. They shook their heads. They couldn't understand their leader. One moment he was like a fierce, dark lord. The next he acted like a little boy.

Once he was in the prison area he located Rey's cell. Two stormtroopers stood guard outside.

"Open the cell door," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," said one of the stormtroopers, JB007.

He turned and opened the cell door.

Ben went inside and found Rey waiting patiently. He ran in and hugged her.

The two stormtroopers watched from outside the cell.

"Why is Ren hugging the prisoner?" JB007 asked his friend.

"Maybe she finally agreed to join the First Order," the second stormtrooper, LS004, replied.

"But she's just a scavenger," said JB007.

"Remember what happened the last time you called her that?" LS004 replied, referring to when Rey had used a Jedi mind trick on the weak minded stormtrooper to escape when Kylo Ren had taken her prisoner.

"Be quiet!" JB007 replied.

Ben released Rey. Then he turned and saw the two stormtroopers watching them. "Leave us," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," said JB007. Then the two stormtroopers walked away.

"Rey I once offered you the galaxy..." Ben began.

"I don't want the galaxy," she interrupted. Then added in a whisper: "I just wanted your heart."

Ben wrapped his arms around her. "It's your's," he answered. "Along with my love."

Rey closed her eyes enjoying his embrace. "Love is all I've ever wanted," she answered.

"Me too," he whispered. "I thought I wanted the galaxy. But when the Force connected us, all I could see was you. And I realize that's all I need, just you."

Ben pulled out the lightsaber that he had made for Rey. He put it in her hand.

Rey looked at it. She thought it was a staff like the one she had used on Jakku. But she soon found that it was really a lightsaber.

"I found half of the lightsaber crystal in the throne room. So I made a new lightsaber for you with it," he said. "I think my grandfather would want you to have it."

"Thank you," said Rey examining the new lightsaber.

"I saw you fighting with your staff, so I thought you might like a longer hilted lightsaber. You can use it as a staff, or a lightsaber," he said. "Go on, ignite it."

She pressed the button on the staff like lightsaber and was surprised to see glowing blue blades of light appear on each side.

Ben smiled at the surprised look on her face. "It's double sided."

"I love it," she said smiling at him. Then she turned off the lightsaber.

He returned the smile. Then he showed her how to detach the hilt to be two small lightsabers.

"That's amazing!" she said.

"There's no other lightsaber like it, at least not that I've heard of," he said. Then he pulled out the lightsaber she had repaired and given to him. "Both of our lightsabers are made from the same crystal. They are connected, like us."

"Then we will fight as one?" she asked.

"Forever," he replied. Then he reached out his hand to her. "Join me, and we can save the galaxy together... Please?"

Rey took his hand, and he smiled at her.

"Now, I have to get you and your friends out of here," he said.

Ben kept her hand in his, and led her out of the cell. The stormtroopers were standing near by. They watched as Kylo led the girl out of her cell.

"What are you doing with this scavenger scum?" asked JB007.

Ben turned to give him an angry look. "How dare you call her that!" he said. "Do you know who this is?"

"The girl who stole the freighter and helped the droid escape?" LS004 asked.

Ben nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but the stormtrooper continued.

"The girl you kept talking about and obsessed over finding?" LS004 continued.

Rey looked at Ben. He had obsessed over finding her?

Ben blushed a little from embarrassment. "Yes," he admitted a little shyly.

"The girl you found in the forest and said that you didn't need the droid because she had seen the map," LS004 went on, proud that he had been right every time so far.

Ben opened his mouth to interrupt, but the stormtrooper continued before he could.

"Then you you caused her go unconscious," the stormtrooper said. "And you carried her on to the ship."

"You carried me?" Rey asked.

Ben blushed and opened his mouth to reply.

But LS004 continued before he had the chance. "Bride swept you more like."

"And he wouldn't let us drag you on to the ship, like a scavenger deserves!" JB007 added.

"Hey!" Ben said. "I told you ..."

"Then once you were in your cell I offered to watch you for him and let him know when you woke up," LS004 interrupted.

"And I offered to punch you, so you would wake up immediately," JB007 added and Ben glared at him.

"But he insisted that we let you wake up on your own and that he watch you himself," LS004 added.

"He sat there watching you for a whole hour," JB007 said.

"Really?" Rey asked looking at Ben.

He looked down from embarrassment.

"General Hux ordered that you must be captured dead or alive. But Ren made him change it to alive."

"And unscratched," JB007 added.

"Anyone who hurt you, would have the same thing done to them," said LS004.

"Twice," JB007 added.

Rey looked at Ben. He looked embarrassed. She smiled at him, at the sight of her beautiful smile, the smallest smile touched his lips. He hid his smile before the stormtroopers could see. Since he turned to the Dark Side, Ben hadn't smiled. But Rey made him smile like no one else could.

"Yeah he has totally been pining after you," LS004 went on.

"Okay, okay we get the point," Ben interpreted. "But she is a great Jedi and an amazing person, so there will be no more calling her scavenger scum. Her name is Rey, and that's what you will call her. Understood?"

"Yes, master Ren," JB007 replied.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now