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They received another call from the Queen's General. "We can't hold on much longer, your majesty." He said.
"Retreat back to the capital." Said Leia.
"Should we join them?" Poe asked.
Leia nodded. "They can use all the help they can get." She said.
Poe turned to leave, fallowed by Finn, Rose, Kaydel, Chewbacca, BB-8, BB-9E, and R2D2.
"Poe!" Leia called. And he went back over to her.
"Yes?" He asked. 
Leia hugged him. "Be careful." She said.
"I will." He answered.
"And may the Force be with you." She added.
Poe nodded, then he and the others went to join the Queen's army and the small group of Resistance fighters who fought alongside them.
"Do be careful R2!" C-3PO called. "You too BB-8 and BB-9E!"
"Beep boo beep!" R2-D2 replied.
"What do you mean you're always careful? I know you too well to believe that." C-3PO answered. "Poe, do keep an eye on them!"
"Of corse!" Poe answered, as he and the others went out of the castle.
Rey sat at Ben's side and watched him as he lay still. She grabbed his hand and held it gently.
Leia watched them from where she stood in the makeshift command center. She smiled. Then returned to her work.
Poe, Finn, Rose, Kaydel, Chewbacca and the three droids went outside just in time to see the Resistance army retreat to the capital city, where they took stand against the First Order.
Stormtroopers flooded into the city behind them.
Poe, Kaydel, Finn, Rose Chewbacca and the rest of the Resistance fired on the approaching stormtroopers. They held off the stormtroopers for several minutes, but as more stormtroopers came into the city, the began to advance on the Resistance. The stormtroopers blasted the Resistance.
Poe, Finn, Rose, Kaydel, and Chewbacca ducked under the fire.
"Get out of here, BB-8!" Poe shouted. "It's not safe!"
"Beep beep boo beep!" BB-8 replied. Which meant: "I'm not leaving without you!"
"Go buddy, I'll be okay." Poe answered.
Zap! BB-8 zapped an approaching stormtrooper, sending him to the ground.
"Good job, buddy. Now get to safety!" Said Poe.
But just then, a blast sent from a stormtrooper hit BB-8, frying his circuits. "Meep boo beep." BB-8 said weakly.
Poe's eyes filled with tears. "I love you too, buddy." He said. Then he watched as BB-8 shut down. Poe began to cry in his hand.
BB-9E rolled over to BB-8 and bumped him, trying to get him to wake up, but the droid wouldn't move. BB-9E let out a sad beep, it was the closest a droid could come to crying.
Finn, Rose, and Kaydel patted Poe's back to comfort him. "I know he was just a droid, but he can't be replaced. Part of his character was programmed. But the parts of his character that I loved couldn't be programmed."
Poe grabbed BB-8 and held him in his arms and cried for a moment, then he kissed the droid on the head.
"Maybe he can be fixed." Said Finn.
"I hope so," Poe answered. Then he gently laid BB-8 down.
BB-9E beeped, offering to give any of her parts up to fix BB-8.
"Thank you, BB-9E, but BB-8 wouldn't want that." Said Poe.
"People say that droids don't feel love, but this one did." Said Finn. "BB-8 loved you Poe."
Poe nodded. "Those were his last words." BB-8 was the best friend he could have asked for. Poe turned to the approaching stormtroopers. "For BB-8!" He said. Then he grabbed his blaster and charged at the stormtroopers.
Finn, Rose, and Kaydel grabbed their blasters as well. "For BB-8!" They said, and they fallowed Poe towards the stormtroopers, blasting them as they went.
BB-9E shrilled and fallowed them.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now