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Later that evening, there was a feast to celebrate the victory.
"There's going to be a celebration in the great hall." Rey told Ben. "Please come."
"I don't think I would be welcome." Ben answered.
"You're one of us now." Said Finn.
Poe nodded. "This is your victory, just as much as it is ours."
"More so," Rose added. "Today you celebrate your freedom from the First Order. And the Dark Side."
Ben nodded. "But no one wants me there." He said, looking down.
"I am no one," Rey whispered, grabbing his hand.
Ben looked up at her, there was a smile on her face. Ben squeezed her hand gently. "Not to me." He answered, lovingly.
Poe, Finn and Rose looked back and forth between Rey and Ben, not understanding.
Ben felt them staring at him and turned to look at them. They all bore the same puzzled expression.
Rose was the first to recover, she could hear the meaning behind their words. She could tell by the tone of their voices and the look in their eyes that it was their way of saying that they loved each other without anyone else knowing. Her confused expression slowly turned into a smile as she realized this. "We want you to come too." She said quickly to break the awkward silence that had come over them.
Rose bumped Finn and Poe and they hurried to agree with her.
"We couldn't have won if you hadn't helped us escape." Said Poe.
"Yeah, we'd still be prisoners of the First Order." Finn agreed.
"Thank you," Said Ben. "But the rest of the Resistance might not see it that way."
"I'll protect you." Said Rey.
Ben looked into her eyes. A small smile began to appear on his face.
Finn gasped. "Did he just smile?" He whispered to Poe.
Rose jabbed him with her elbow to silence him. "So will we." She added.
"Yeah, we owe it to you." Poe added.
"It was I who owed you." Ben answered. "I fear I can never repay you for the things I've done."
"You don't have to," said Finn. "Because, I forgive you."
Tears rushed to Ben's eyes. He knew Rey had forgiven him, but he never expected her friends to. "Thank you," he said, his voice breaking.
Finn walked up to Ben and patted him on the back.
"I forgive you too." Rose added.
"So do I." Poe agreed.
Ben's eyes were filled with tears, but there was a smile on his face. "Thank you," he said. "Your forgiveness is more than I could ever ask for." He looked at Rey and his smile grew. "I can see why you didn't want to leave the Resistance." He said. "The First Order doesn't offer forgiveness and they don't care about each other."
Finn nodded, he had seen the ways of the First Order all too closely.
"The Resistance is different. You care about each other more than you care about yourselves." Said Ben.
Poe nodded. "We're a family." He said, then he smiled at Rey, Finn and Rose. They smiled back and gathered together in group hug.
Ben watched them, he smiled at the closeness they shared. A closeness that he was sure he would never feel.
"You too, Ben." Said Poe.
Rose and Finn grabbed his arms and pulled him into the group hug. Ben's eyes were wide with surprise. But he could feel the love and sense of belonging the group of friends offered him, and he hugged them back.
After a few moments, the hug broke up.
"Who's hungry?" Poe asked.
"I am." Finn exclaimed, then he, Rose and Poe made their way to the celebration. Rey turned and looked at Ben, she took his hand in her's and they fallowed the others together.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now