You Are Weak And Foolish Like Your Father

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Ben walked along the water's edge on Naboo, with Rey beside him. He reached down and took her hand. She looked at him, surprised. He smiled at her. She smiled back at him, then leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked.
Ben looked out at the peaceful water. But suddenly, something caught his eye on the horizon: First Order ships. They were quickly approaching the Palace of Naboo.
"Rey!" He exclaimed, pointing to the approaching ships. But he was too late.
The First Order fleet opened fire on the palace. Everything was burning, until finally it all went black.
When he opened his eyes, the beauty of Naboo was gone replaced by fire and desolation. He looked around Rey was nowhere to be found.
"Rey!" He called. But there was no answer.
Suddenly a shadow covered him. He looked up to see a dark figure towering over him. As he looked up at the figure, the raging fire glared on his pale wrinkled skin. His face was distorted and disfigured.
Ben recognized him immediately, and when he did he felt the cold hand of fear grip his heart. Snoke. He had returned.
But how? How was this possible?
"I told you that you were weak... foolish boy!" Snoke told him. And he trembled at the familiar sound of his taunting voice. "You let this girl..." Snoke moved his hand. Rey hovered in the air in front of him, suspended by the Force. "...get in the way of your destiny."
"Rey!" Ben yelled, quickly coming to his feet. "What you do to her?"
"What you should have done to her long ago...." Snoke replied, pulling out his own red lightsaber. He ignited the fiery blade and plunged it into the girl's heart.
Ben could feel the sudden sharp pain in his chest, as if the saber had pierced him too. He collapsed to his knees and wept.
"You are weak and foolish, like your father...Ben Solo." Snoke said and he dropped the girls still form in front of him.
Ben reached over to pull her close to him. He cradled her in his arms. His tears spilt onto her soft skin.
"Imagine what your grandfather would think." Snoke mocked him his greatest moment of pain.
Ben couldn't answer, all he could do was scream out in pain.

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