38| The Fading Of The Light

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Ben carried Rey to the medical bay. He carefully laid her down on the hospital bed.

The medical droids began to tend to her right away. Ben hoped that they would be able to help her. He stepped out into the hall, not wanting to get in the way.

But he didn't go far, not wanting to leave her. He paced the hall back and forth. He couldn't stop worrying about her, and thinking about her.

Ryle came down the hall and noticed the worried look on his Master's face. Some of the other knights would have walked on, but to Ryle, Kylo was like a big brother.

He went over to Kylo and stood next to him.

Ben looked at the boy who he had trained. Who he loved like a brother. Ryle wasn't wearing his helmet and it was now obvious how young he was. He had shaggy brown hair and freckled cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Ryle asked Ben.

Ben didn't reply, he only looked away. Without realizing it, he looked towards the door to the medical bay.

Ryle noticed him looking at the door. He's worried about the girl, he realized. Of course he was. Ryle had never seen him look at anyone the way he looked at the scavenger. "Is she going to be okay?" he asked.

"I don't know," Ben replied.

Ryle nodded. "You care about her, don't you?" he asked.

"Why would you say something like that?" Ben asked. But his eyes never left the door to the medical bay.

Ryle smirked. "No reason," he answered. Then he walked down the hall to leave Ben alone with his worries.

Moments later... one of the medical droids came out of the room.

"Is she okay?" Ben asked.

The droid shook his head. "She is dying," he answered.

"What's wrong with her?" Ben asked.

"We don't know," the droid answered.

"Can you save her?" Ben asked, worried.

"We have done everything that we can for her," the droid replied.

Ben felt his heart breaking. A tear slid down his cheek.

The droid was about to walk away, but then he turned to Ben. "She wants to see you," he said, then he walked away.

Ben quickly wiped his eyes, not wanting Rey to see him cry. Then he walked into the room.

He walked over to sit in a chair beside her bed.

"Ben," she whispered.

"I'm here," he answered.

"It's not too late," she said softly. "You can come back. There's still good in you. I know there is. I can see it, even if no one else can. Come back to the Light Side, please?"

"Anything for you," he answered.

Rey's breath grew shallow, as she struggled to cling to life. She was in pain, Ben could sense it.

She reached for his hand. He reached to meet her and gripped her hand in his.

Rey squeezed his hand and gave him a weak smile. Tears filled his eyes, but he offered her a sad smile.

He watched as the light in her eyes slowly faded, until it was gone. Forever.

He felt like a child who was watching a beautiful sunset, a child who was afraid of the dark. Who wanted to cling to every ray of sunshine. Who found deep sorrow in the fading of light.

He was the darkness. But it wasn't himself that he feared. It was being without her. When she was around he was never truly in the dark, her light pieced through the darkest corners of his heart.

Tears began to pour down his cheeks. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to cry, to truly cry for the first time since he was a boy. He had so much pain in his heart and he let it pour out in the form of tears.

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