Bound By Love And The Force

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"Now that everything is quiet, you can finally get married, if that's still what you want?" Leia said, once the others were gone.
They both nodded.
"Of course," Ben answered, smiling at his future wife, taking her hand in his.
Leia smiled at them both. "Then we have a wedding to plan."

Moments later, Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel returned with the three children.
"Mom! Dad!" the three children exclaimed, running and jumping on top of Ben and Rey. The children hugged them excitedly, glad that they were okay.
Rey smiled, it was the first time they had called her 'mom,' she had thought about having a life, a family with Ben and it seemed that their family had been an instant one. One not bound by blood, but by love and by the Force, just as she and Ben were. She could feel it in all three of the children, Temiri was just a little stronger in the Force, but she knew it would awaken in Oniho and Arashell one day. Already she felt a bond between herself and the children begin to grow, she wanted to give them what she had always wanted, a family, a place to belong.
Now they would have that and so would she.
Ben scrubbed Temiri's hair, then kissed his forehead.
"I'm glad you came back, daddy," Temiri said.
"I told you we would," Ben answered, smiling at him. Then he hugged and kissed both Arashell and Oniho.
Temiri went over to Rey and hugged her. Rey smiled at the boy, returning the hug.
"Can you tell us a story dad?" Temiri asked, settling into Rey's lap.
"Yes!" Oniho exclaimed.
"Please," Arashell begged looking up at him from where she sat in his lap.
"What kind of story?" Ben asked.
"Tell us how you and mom defeated Snoke," Temiri replied.
Ben smiled. "Okay." 
Leia smiled as she watched Ben tell the children the story of how he and Rey defeated Snoke, in an animated tone, obviously exaggerating a few things to make the story exciting for the children.She never thought that she would get to see him as a father with children. She had never thought that she would get to live to see her son, happy and in love.
Even better, Rey who she loved like a daughter, was able to share in that happiness.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now