I Know

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They entered Naboo's atmosphere, still being pursued by four tie fighters.
From the ground, Leia, Maz, C-3PO, and Queen Natalia were commanding the army a short distance from the battle. They stood inside the throne room where portable computers and communications had been set up.
"We're being overrun!" The General of the Queen's army said through the com link.
"We have more troops coming, from other parts of Naboo. They just need more time to arrive." Said another of the Queen's generals. "I told them come to capital."
Queen Natalia nodded. "Can you hold out a little longer?" She asked the General.
"We will try, your majesty." He answered.
"Hold out as long as you can, then retreat back to the capital." Leia instructed.
"Yes, your highness." The General replied.
"And may the Force be with you." She added.
"Thank you, your highness." He said. Then he cut off the com link to give the new orders to his men.
"Oh my!" C-3PO exclaimed.
"What is it, 3PO?" Leia asked.
"The scanners have detected six First Order ships approaching. The odds that they will not attack the castle are one billion to one. We're doomed!" He answered.
"Would you calm down?" Leia asked. Then she led the others out of the castle. The group of leaders were fallowed closely by a group of armed guards.
Leia looked up at the approaching ships. "It's just five tie fighters and a shuttle, nothing our blasters can't handle." She said. "Open fire on enemy ships!" She ordered the guards.
The guards took out their blasters and began to shoot at the four tie fighters, the tie silencer, and the shuttle, which unknowingly carried the group of escaping Resistance fighters.
Three of the tie fighters were exploded before they hit the ground. The other one crashed near by. The shuttle crashed and skidded across the courtyard, coming to a stop as it hit the castle steps.
Ben's tie silencer was badly damaged. "I've lost control!" He said. "We're going to crash."
Rey grabbed his hand, and he squeezed it to comfort her. He was glad that she was here with him, at the end. When she was with him, for the first time, he wasn't afraid anymore.
"I love you," she said as they began to rapidly descend.
"I know," he replied.
And she looked at him a little puzzled.
"That's what my parents used to say to each other." He explained, and she smiled. "I love you, so much, Rey." He said. He wanted her to know that before they died.
Rey rubbed his hand with her thumb. "I know," she said.
Tears filled Ben's eyes. That had always been what his parents had said to each other.
Then with a loud crash, they hit the ground.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now