No Regrets

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Rey, Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel were preparing to leave in a First Order shuttle that had been left behind on Naboo after the battle.
Ben looked over at the shuttle than returned his gaze to his mother. "How are the evacuations going?"
"We've evacuated as many as we can, more ships are leaving as we speak, but I fear that we don't have enough time," she answered.
"Hopefully we will be able to stop them from destroying the planet, but I want you to leave just in case something goes wrong."
Leia reached up and gently caressed her son's cheek. "I'm not going anywhere, my fate will be the same as yours my son. I don't want to live without you, you're all that I have. You and Rey."
"If something happens to me and Rey, you will be all Temiri Arashell and Oniho will have, you will be the galaxy's only hope against the First Order. Please do it for me."
Leia smiled sadly. "I will," she whispered.
Ben pulled her into a hug and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head.
Leia wrapped her arms around him and begged the Force that it wouldn't be the last time she saw him.
Leia finally let him go and he turned to walk towards the shuttle. Leia couldn't stop the tears from coming into her eyes. She felt a gentle touch on her shoulder, she turned to see the force ghost of her brother comforting her.
"Everything will be okay," he said softly.
Ben stood in the First Order shuttle with Rey, Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel along with the two droids BB-8 and BB-9E.
"You look strange in that outfit Rey," Finn said.
Rey looked down at the stormtrooper armor that she was wearing. "It feels strange," she answered. "It's kind of hard to move in."
Finn nodded. "I know, I always hated wearing those things," he looked at Ben.
"Don't look at me, I wasn't in charge of the stormtrooper program," he said.
"I know," Finn answered.
"So, I have a question," said Poe. "If you killed... or well tried to kill Snoke, why would he just let you come back?"
"He thinks that Rey is dead, and that he has turned all of you including my mother against me..."
"Then he must not know Leia, there's nothing that you could ever do that she wouldn't forgive. I think it's because she saw her brother's love and forgiveness change her father." Poe interrupted.
Ben nodded, "Snoke doesn't know that. But he does know that without Rey and my mother, I would be completely lost and broken. And if Rey dies then so will I... but his servant Kylo Ren might live on. And that's what we must let him think, that loosing Rey has finally killed Ben Solo and Kylo Ren is all that remains. Supposedly I'm bringing all of you to him as a sign of my loyalty."
They all nodded.
They approached the First Order fleet.
Rey turned in the copilot seat to look at Ben. "They're asking for an access code," she told him.
"Let's hope they haven't changed it," he replied typing in the four digit code: 3791.
Rey smiled: "access granted," she said.
"Thank the Force they haven't changed the codes," Ben answered as he flew the shuttle into the command ship.
Rey smiled at him.
Then they landed the shuttle in the hangar.
Ben looked at Rey for a long moment. "In case we don't make it out of here alive," he leaned closer to her and gently kissed her lips. "I just want you to know how much I love you."
She smiled, kissing him again. "I love you too."
The others all watch surprised, they all knew that the two Force users were in love, but they had never kissed in front of them.
When Ben finally pulled his focus from Rey, he saw their shocked expressions and immediately felt slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry," he said shyly.
Rose smiled. "Don't be, this could be our last time together, you don't want to live with the regret of taking it for granted." She grew sad. "There are so many things that regret not saying or doing before my sister died."
Finn rubbed her shoulder gently. Then he pulled her into a hug.
Ben couldn't suppress the small stab in his chest at the sight of her crying, she was a very sweet girl, the first besides Rey and his mother to forgive him. Worse he knew that her sister had died fighting the First Order, and even though he had nothing to do with her death, Ben couldn't help but blame himself for the First Order's actions.
"Your sister isn't gone, she's still with you in the Force."
Rose nodded, at times she could feel her sister's presence. "Thank you, Ben."

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