The Prisoners

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Ben and Rey walked down the halls with Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel who were all bound in hand cuffs.
Rey was disguised as a stormtrooper, escorting "Kylo Ren's prisoners" to Snoke.
They made their way through the hall until they came to an elevator. They all filed in, it was a tight fit but they managed. Ben couldn't help but think about the last time he and Rey were in an elevator on their way to Snoke's throne room. Something about the way she had spoken to him, looked at him, had captured his heart. He had wanted to kiss her so badly in that moment, but he had been forced to stop himself. He knew that Snoke had been watching them and if he had shown the affection that he felt for her, Snoke may have seen through his plan to betray him. He knew that it was the only way that he would be the only way that he could save her.
Despite the fact that he been met with a life threatening choice, those quite moments with Rey in the elevator were moments that he cherished, the moment she had called him by his real name for the first time.
Rey turned to look at him knowing what he was thinking about. Despite the fact that he couldn't see her in the stormtrooper armor, he could feel her warm, bright presence. He wanted to reach over and hug her, to hold her in his arms. But he couldn't for the same reason that he couldn't kiss her the last time they were in an elevator on their way to Snoke's throne room. Snoke was undoubtedly watching them, and he had to make him believe that Rey was dead, that he had lost all hope. He had to make Snoke believe that in his grief over loosing Rey, he had decided to rejoin him, that he had betrayed the Resistance and was turning in his new friends as a sign of loyalty to Snoke.
The elevator stopped and the door slid open. Rey shoved the four prisoners into the throne room, then Ben stepped forward. He walked across the throne room, stopping to kneel before Snoke where he sat on his throne.
Snoke looked at him for a moment. "I'm glad that you have finally made the right choice and returned to be my apprentice once more, Ren."
He cringed at the words, thinking of what he did to Rey. "Without Rey, I have nothing. You took everything from me, I had no where else to go."
Snoke nodded. "I know how much you cared about the girl, she was making you weak. In time you will come to thank me for removing that weakness."
Ben clenched his fists, Rey was his strength not his weakness. But he forced himself to remember that he hadn't truly lost her and that he never would. "Yes, master."
"You will have to do a lot to regain my trust, young Solo. You have betrayed me. I am only willing to give you second chance because I know that you only betrayed me because of your weakness for the girl, I know that deep down you loved her. But I also know that you have never known love before her, and now that she is gone, you will never know love again. As I said before, who else could love a monster?"
Ben looked down.
"And her death was your fault, you were not strong enough to save her. You have always been nothing but a weak foolish boy, and that is all you will ever be."
He could sense Rey's anger rising at the things he said to him, but it was nothing new for Ben.
"That and a monster, that is why you must serve me to make up for what you have done." Snoke continued.
"Yes master."
"But can you prove to me that your loyalty is with the First Order and not with those rebels."
Ben nodded. "I brought a sign of loyalty." He stood and went over to his friends. He grabbed Poe and Kaydel by the arm. He gestured for Rey to do the same.
She nodded and grabbed Finn and Rose's arms, leading them to Snoke's throne.
"I brought four members of the Resistance as a sign that I am no longer loyal to them." Ben explained. He looked down. "I was only loyal to Rey and she is gone now."
Snoke nodded. "Very good, they may come in handy." He pressed a button on the armrest of his throne. He appeared as a hologram to the control room. "Send in six stormtroopers to my throne room to take these prisoners to the detention bay."
"Yes, Supreme Leader," a captain replied, then Snoke turned the hologram off.
A few moments later, a group of stormtroopers came into the throne room and escorted Poe, Kaydel, Finn and Rose to the detention bay.

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