34| Send For My Knights

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Meanwhile, on the First Order command ship, Kylo Ren stood alone.

Or he thought he was alone. He was unaware of a presence watching him from the shadows. It was BB-9E, she was watching him from the darkest corner of the room. Because she was not a living being, and not a threat in that moment, he could not sense her.

Normally, he would have, but his mind was preoccupied. He stared out of a large window, lost in thought. Being Supreme Leader was not as easy as he had imagined. Especially because he had spent his whole life being controlled by Snoke. He had never allowed him to make any choices for himself, now he was in charge of an army, but didn't know what to do with it.

He had wanted Rey to join him because he didn't want to be alone, and because he didn't want her to be alone either. But now he realized that he needed her even more than he had ever thought. When they were apart, he felt as if he was missing part of himself.

Just then, one of his lieutenants entered the room cautiously.

"Supreme Leader?" he asked, in a nervous voice.

"Yes?" Kylo asked, trying to hide his disinterest.

"We have received word from one of our spies. A small group of Resistance fighters have landed on Cantonica," he said.

Kylo felt his heart leap. Maybe he would finally find Rey. Maybe he would finally be able to convince her to join him. But he kept his voice normal. "Is the girl with them?" he asked.

"There was a girl with them," he answered, nodding.

"What girl?" Kylo asked, excitement entering his voice.

"The girl who snuck aboard our ship with FN-2187 to turn off our tracking device."

Kylo felt his heart sink, it wasn't Rey, but he quickly recovered from his disappointment. "How many members of the Resistance are on Cantonica?"

"Three, my lord," he answered. "What should we do?"

"They shouldn't be too much trouble," Kylo replied slowly. "Tell Phasma that I've ordered her to take a small troop to Cantonica and take care of the Resistance, at once."

"Yes, sir," said the lieutenant.

Kylo Ren noticed that he didn't leave, right away. Instead he stood there watching him nervously. He could only think of one reason for the officer to behave that way. There was something else he had to tell him. "Is there anything else?"

"It's the Millennium Falcon, sir," he answered. "We know where it is."

Kylo felt excitement rise within him once again. Rey was aboard the Millennium Falcon, he could feel it. "Where?"

"Ganeron," he continued.

What could she be doing on Ganeron? he wondered. It was a dark place, the Dark Side loomed around that planet. But it didn't matter why she was there. All that mattered was that he knew where she was and he was going to find her.

"Prepare a ship..."

"Yes sir."

"... and send for my knights."

"Yes sir," the lieutenant answered nervously.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now