10| Vader

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Back on the First Order ship, Kylo Ren sat with Darth Vader's burnt helmet before him. As he had spoken to Rey he had felt a pull to the light, one of the strongest he had ever felt, but he had resisted it. Now, as he often did when he felt a pull to the light, he spoke to his grandfather as he looked at his mask. The mask was evil, filled with the Dark Side. That was why he always spoke to it when he felt a pull to the Light, it always seemed to pull him back to the Dark Side.

He could remember when he found it on Endor. It was not long after he left his uncle, just before Snoke found him.

He could still remember the first time he touched the helmet. He had picked up off of the ground. The moment he held it in his hands he could feel the Dark Side within it. As he held it he had a series of visions. He could remember the visions, as if he had seen them yesterday.

He had watched with tears in his eyes as his parents gave him to his Uncle Luke. Then they left in the Millennium Falcon. He had felt so alone and abandoned.

Then the vision had changed and  saw himself as a dark masked figure, as Kylo Ren, bringing distraction to the galaxy.

Then he saw Snoke, saw his power. He saw himself serving Snoke, kneeling before him. In his vision, Snoke had given him great power. He had made him as strong as his grandfather.

Then he saw the very man he longed to become, his grandfather, Darth Vader. He saw his grandfather's strength and power, and he saw his grandfather the Dark Side give his grandfather untold power. He saw the fierce masked figure walking down a white hall. The figure's foot steps seemed to be full of hate and rage.

He wanted to become like his grandfather, he wanted to make him proud. His uncle had said that his grandfather was the chosen one who of an ancient prophecy and Kylo had always believed that he had died before he'd fulfilled whatever it was his grandfather had been chosen to do. As the heir of Darth Vader, he felt that it was his place to fulfill his grandfather's destiny and restore his broken legacy.

"Finish what I started," the deep muffled voice came from behind the mask.

And then he had seen a girl ... the girl he now knew as Rey. She stood in the dark, but she glowed as brightly as the sun. She was beautiful and seemed harmless. But he had felt at the time that his destiny was somehow bound to her's. Rather she would oppose him or fight at his side, he did not know. But he could see in his vision that she was very powerful, powerful on the Light Side. He had been afraid of her because of her power, and because while they were equals, he could never defeat her. Yet he had also longed to find her.

Ben had thrown the helmet down, he was surprised, amazed, and frightened at what he saw when he touched it. But after taking a deep breath, he had picked up the mask again.

When he picked it up, it had shown him both his past and his future. And it had shown him the power of the Dark Side. It was then that he had decided to join Snoke to be trained in ways of the Dark Side so that he would have an opportunity to fulfill his grandfather's destiny. He had been sure that his grandfather approved of it because of what he had said: "Finish what I started," and that was exactly what Kylo intended to do.

He lifted the shriveled helmet now hoping that he would again see the power of the Dark Side.

"I am getting stronger, grandfather," said Kylo. "I felt a strong pull to the Light, but I fought it. I am very close to finishing what you started. I thought I had to let the past die, but now I see that I can't. You are a part of my past, and I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for you. I only wish you were here to see what I have accomplished."

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