12| Use The Force

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Kylo had ordered a new helmet to be made, one just like his old one which he had destroyed after Snoke mocked it. He was going to finish what his grandfather started and he was going to do it in a helmet like the one he had made to honor his grandfather.

The helmet had already begun to be forged, but it wasn't finished yet. For now, everyone could see his face. But that would end soon.

Kylo stood on the bridge and watched the two X-wings emerge from Maz's ship. He had not expected them, still he knew it would be an easy fight. Two X-wings could hardly face a Star Destroyer alone. Kylo knew defeating Maz's ship was his only hope of finding Rey and proving to his grandfather, himself, and the First Order that he was strong enough to defeat the Light Side and the Resistance.

A group of five TIE fighters flew out to meet the two X-wings.

"TIE fighters just ahead!" Poe warned Rey through the com links. Then he began firing on the two TIE fighters nearest to him.

Within moments Poe had shot down the first of the two TIE fighters. But the second TIE fighter sent return fire towards him. He moved quickly to evade the blasts.

He fired again at the TIE fighter. This time he hit his mark, and the TIE burst into flames.

Rey quickly shot down two of the remaining TIE fighters, but the third moved to fly behind her. Flying ahead of a TIE fighter was the most dangerous place to be in a fight such as this. Now the TIE fighter could fire on her and she couldn't fire on it.

Rey moved quickly trying to lose the TIE fighter. But it was locked on to her.

Just as the TIE fighter was about to fire on Rey, Poe turned quickly and shot the it down.

"Nice shot!" Rey called through the com link.

But the fight was not over, it had only begun.

Ten more TIE fighters came from the Star Destroyer.

Poe flew towards them, firing as he went. Three of the TIE fighters were sent into flames. But two of the blasts from the TIE fighters had found their mark.

Poe moved away from the group of TIE fighters. "I've been hit!" he cried. "BB-8, can you fix it?"

The droid replied in a series of beeps.

"BB-8 has it under control," Poe told Rey.

"Good," Rey replied. "I'm going in!"

"Be careful," Poe warned.

"I will," answered Rey and she flew towards the TIE fighters taking out four of them.

R2-D2 beeped, giving her a warning about a ship coming up behind her.

Rey quickly turned her X-wing and fired on the TIE fighter. But more TIE fighters came from the Star Destroyer and surrounded her.

Rey began to panic. She was outnumbered and surrounded. She had nowhere to go and no one to call for back up.

Suddenly she heard a voice. At first she thought it was coming from her com link, but she tapped it and realized that it wasn't.

"Rey!" She recognized that voice. It was Luke's voice. "Use the Force, Rey." His voice was so loud and clear, as if he were in the X-wing with her.

Rey gasped in surprise.

Somewhere far away, but yet close at the same time, the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker smiled, at the look of shock on his former apprentice's face. "I've waited along time to do that," he thought silently. He could still remember how shocked he had been when Obi Wan had done the same thing to him, as he was trying to destroy the Death Star.

"Use the Force," Rey repeated in a whisper.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now