I'm Not Helpless

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The Millennium Falcon arrived on Naboo to be met by a group of Resistance fighters, including Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel.
Rey and Ben left the cockpit and made their way through the halls hand in hand. They were almost to the door when Rey stopped suddenly.
Ben turned and looked at her curiously. "Is something wrong."
She shook her head and smiled. "No, I just forgot my bag ."
"I'll get it for you," he offered.
"That's okay, it'll only take a moment." She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Don't wait for me, your mother is probably worried sick."
He nodded, knowing that she was right. But that wouldn't stop him from being worried sick about her. She's strong, she can take care of herself, he reminded himself. Besides we won't be far apart, and we're connected so I'll know if she's in danger.
That's right, I can take care of myself he heard her thoughts in his mind. I can hear what you're thinking.
"I guess I can't have anymore secrets then," he answered out loud.
She smiled. Not from me. I'm not helpless Ben.
I know, I just don't want to loose you... again.
"I know, I'll be fine Ben." She hugged him. It's just down the hall.
She smiled then turned to leave.
Ben went to the door and opened it he walked down the ramp absent minded, still thinking about how strong his connection with Rey had become. It seemed like a frightening thing for someone to be able to hear his thoughts, but every since they'd grown close, he had shared what was on his mind when they were alone anyway, now he could do it all the time no matter who was listening.
He looked up at Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel, neither of them seemed very happy.
"Is everything alright? What happened?" he asked.
"We we're going to ask you the same thing," Kaydel answered.
"What happened? Where is she?" Poe asked.
Ben opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted as Finn pushed pass Poe and approached him.
"Where's Rey?" he demanded, he seemed angry and sad at the same time.
"She's..." Ben began gesturing towards the Millennium Falcon.
"Why did you kill her? I thought you loved her," he said, his voice broke.
"I do love her, I would never hurt her," Ben answered
Finn's voice rose. "Then why did we intercept a First Order transmission that Kylo Ren killed the girl from Jakku."
Oh no! Ben thought remembering what Snoke had said, that he had sent word to the Resistance that he killed Rey. "That's a lie Finn, you have to believe me. I would never hurt Rey. You have to believe me Finn, I promised that I would protect her with my life. That's a promise that I will never break."
"I'm not going to believe you until I see..." Finn fell silent, he and the other Resistance fighters all looked like they had seen a ghost.
Ben turned to see Rey emerged from the Millennium Falcon. Her brow creased as she looked at Ben. "Are you okay Ben? I sensed that you were a little upset." She looked at the others, who were all staring at her with open mouths. She looked at them puzzled.
Finn finally overcame his shock and ran over to pull Rey into a hug.
Rey smiled and hugged him back.
"We thought you were dead," he said.
"I would be if it wasn't for Ben," she answered. "He nearly died saving me."
Finn went over and hugged Ben. "Thank you for saving my best friend. I'm sorry that I blamed you earlier."
Ben nodded. "I understand," he said, knowing that he probably would have done much worse if he were in Finn's place.
Rose went over and hugged Rey. "We're glad to have you back," she said then she went over to hug Ben. "You too, Ben." She smiled. "You're mother has been worried sick."
I told you so, he heard Rey in his mind.
"So, what happened?" Poe asked before he had a chance to reply to Rey.
"We'll tell you as soon as we've seen the General," Rey answered.
Poe nodded. "Right," he replied then he turned towards the palace followed by the others.
They made their way through the halls to the sitting room where Leia was waiting with the children. As soon as Ben stepped through the door, Temiri ran to him. Ben smiled affectionately, scooping the boy up into his arms, he had been afraid that he would never see the boy again. Ben was afraid that he would feel abandoned like himself and Rey. He was knocked slightly off balance as Arashell and Oniho ran into him, wrapping their arms around his waist. He laughed softly, then gently scrubbed Oniho on the head before bending down to kiss Arashell on the forehead.
Rey giggled behind him. You make a wonderful father.
He turned to smile at her.
"Rey!" Oniho and Arashell exclaimed, running over to hug her.
She knelt down and hugged the two the children.
Temiri was still in Ben's arms, he smiled at the boy then lowered him to the floor so that he could greet Rey as well.
Leia came over to him, and hugged him. "I told them that you would never hurt Rey," she said. "You love her too much."
"Thank you for never giving up on me," he whispered.
She smiled up at him, then he helped her back to her seat.
"I hope the children weren't too much trouble while we were away," he said, sitting next to her on the couch.
"Not at all, I've been wanting grandchildren for years."
He smiled at her.
Rey came over to sit next to him, while Finn, Rose, Poe and Kaydel sat down in the empty seats around them.
"So, what happened?" Poe asked. "I didn't even know you guys were leaving, you just disappeared then I heard that Kylo Ren killed Rey."
Ben looked down at the children who were sitting on the floor, listening then back up at Poe as if to warn him that it wasn't a good thing to say with kids listening.
"Sorry," Poe whispered.
"Ben and I went to Ach-To to become one in the Force, it's the only way that we can become strong enough to stop Snoke, we have to face him together." Rey explained.
"One in the Force? What does that mean?" Arashell asked.
"I was about to ask the same thing," said Poe.
Kaydel smiled. "Me too."
Rey and Ben both began to blush. "Well, we were already connected through the Force, we just had to seal the bond. It was kind of like a wedding..." Rey trailed off blushing even more.
Ben sensed that she wanted to hide behind him, it wasn't fair, he wanted to hide behind her. Why don't we both just hide behind the couch?
He saw the corner of her lip turn into the faintest smile.
Leia smiled, while the others just looked at them in surprise.
Ben looked down at his hands, blushing shyly as he spoke. "I've already asked Rey to marry me when this is over," he said in a low voice.
Leia smiled and hugged him excitedly.
He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"Does this mean that she's going to become my mother?" Temiri asked hopefully.
Rey smiled sweetly at him. "Yes... if you want me to."
"I do!" Temiri exclaimed, running over to hug her.
After Rey released him, he sat down next to his friends. Rey looked at the two other children, they seemed happy for Temiri, but at the same time they seemed sad that they didn't have a family. She looked at Ben, placing her hand in his lap to get his attention. He looked at her, taking her hand. She nodded towards Arashell and Oniho. What about them? She asked through they're connection.
Ben nodded. "Arashell, Oniho, do you want to stay with me and Rey too?"
The two children nodded enthusiastically.
"Then as soon as this war is over we'll all be a family." Ben said.
"Really?" Oniho asked.
Ben nodded.
The three children came over and Rey and Ben pulled them into a group hug. Leia quickly joined in, wanting the children to know that she accepted them as her grandchildren.
Rose smiled as she watched them all together.

Author's note: I'm sorry for the slow update. I think I'm writing too many fan fictions at the same time. But I'm going to try to update faster next time.


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