44 | I Told You They Were Coming

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Night had fallen on Cantonica, so Poe, Finn, and Rose slipped out of the casino and into the stables.

Three children stood in the center of the room with small bags on their shoulders. They seemed to be waiting for them.

"Have you come to rescue us?" the girl, Arashell asked.

"Yes," Rose answered.

"I told you they would come," said a boy, Temiri. Finn and Rose recognized him. He was the one who had helped them escape the last time they were here.

"Can you take us to the others?" Poe asked.

The three children nodded. Then they led them to the other slaves. There were a little over a hundred of them.
The slaves all stared cautiously at the nicely dressed group.

"We are with the Resistance and we have come to set you free!" said Poe.

The slaves all cheered and jumped for joy. Many of them had held onto to the hope of being rescued for so long that they had begun to give up on it.

"Come with us," said Finn. "Our ship is this way."

The slaves followed as the group of Resistance fighters led them to their ship, trying to stay out of sight.

But it was too late for that. A small group of shuttles landed on the street in front of them. The shuttle hatch opened to reveal a group of stormtroopers being led by Phasma.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now