30| Training

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The Millennium Falcon had been in hyper drive for an hour. Chewbacca was sitting in the cockpit surrounded by a group of porgs.

Rey had found a remote training device. She took out her lightsaber, then tied a blind fold over her eyes. She turned the remote training device on. She pressed the button on the hilt of her new lightsaber.

She couldn't see anything, but through the Force, she could feel the training device firing at her. She moved her lightsaber in quick flashing movement to deflect the blasts. She could feel the Force growing stronger within her. So strong that even though she couldn't see, she could feel everything around her. She didn't rely on her sight, instead she focused on her other senses. Most important, she focused on the Force. It was so strong that she could almost see the remote training device.

"That's very good," said a voice.

The voice distracted her focus from the device. One of the blasts hit her in the arm. "Ow!" she cried. She pulled off her blindfold to see the glowing bluish figure of Luke Skywalker.

There was a smile on his face. "You lost your focus," he said.

She turned the remote training device off. "You distracted me!" she answered. She sounded angry, but there was a smile on her face.

"There will be distractions in battle," he answered. "You need to learn to tune your focus, block out all distractions. Focus only on the task before you. Let the Force guide you."

She nodded.

"Continue, I won't interrupt you this time," said Luke.

Rey looked at him suspiciously. Then she pulled the blind fold over her eyes. Luke walked over and waved his hand in front of his face. Rey could sense him near her. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Making sure you can't see through this thing," he said.

Rey laughed. "That would kind of defeat the purpose," she said.

"Exactly," he answered. "You need to learn not rely on your sight, that can fail you. You need to rely on the Force. It's inside of you, it's always been there."

Rey could sense him smiling at her and she smiled back.

Without warning, Luke turned the remote training device on. A small blast hit Rey in the shoulder. "Hey, I wasn't ready!"

"Your enemies aren't going to wait for you to be ready before they attack," he replied.

Rey used the lightsaber to deflect the blasts.

Luke watched her for several moments. Her reflexes were almost at light speed. He could feel the Force flowing through her. It was like water, a rushing river. It flowed endlessly, a strong and powerful current.

Luke had not seen this much power since he was training his nephew, Ben Solo. But he had always been like a raging fire. Perhaps she could calm the fire that raged within him.

Luke found himself wondering how Rey had become so powerful, how she seemed to be able to use the Force so well when she had no training.

He knew the source of Ben's power, the Force was strong in his family. It was one thing his whole family shared. And they each had equal potential for good and evil, light and darkness. Ben was torn between both. It was as if the the Dark Side held him by one hand, and the Light Side by the other. They were constantly pulling against each other, tearing him apart.

But Rey, she was just a scavenger from Jakku of all places. How had she become so powerful? Luke knew that the Force didn't care where you came from, his father was among the strongest Force users, and he had been a slave on Tatooine. But he couldn't help but believe that the Force had a special purpose for Rey as it had for his father.

He watched her practice for several moments. "Very good," he told her, and she pulled off her blind fold and turned off the remote training device.

"Thank you," she replied, surprised by the compliment.

"I must go now, Rey," he said. "But I promise you will see me again, very soon."

"Good bye," she answered.

"Keep practicing," he told her, then he disappeared.

Rey did as he said. She turned the remote training device back on and pulled the blind fold back over her eyes.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now