6| Do Not Underestimate Her

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Meanwhile, Kylo Ren had been sitting in a small room alone. He was annoyed that his Force connection with Rey had ended before he had gotten to explain himself to her. He was sure he could turn her to the Dark Side. She had even admitted to being torn between the Light Side and the Dark Side, as he was. She just needed a final pull, and she would be on the Dark Side, ...with him.

Just after Rey disappeared, there was a knock at his door.

That must have been what broke off our connection, Kylo thought.

"Come in," he said, after a moment.

Hux entered the room cautiously. He looked around to find that Kylo was alone. Hux creased his brows. "Who were you talking to?"

"Myself, not that it's any business of yours!" Kylo snapped. He didn't want Hux to know about his Force link with Rey, and he was angry with him for eavesdropping at his door. "This better be important," he added impatiently.

"I'm sorry, sir," Hux answered. "We can't track the Falcon. It's too small for even our most advanced tracking system to pick up in light speed, at this distance. It was to fast for us to track as it left. We were not prepared to track the freighter. We thought it was nothing more than trash and would never make it into light speed."

"Wrongly," Kylo answered, a bit sarcastically.

"We didn't know it was the Millennium Falcon, the ship that made the Kessel run in fifteen parsecs."

"Twelve," Ben corrected him. "Twelve parsecs."

"Does it matter?" Hux asked, but he didn't give Kylo a chance to reply. "Anyway, we have no way to track it and we have no idea where they went. But I wouldn't worry, there can't be more than fifty Resistance members remaining. They'll have no chance against us."

"You underestimate the girl from Jakku! I have seen her power," Kylo shouted.

"Are you afraid of her?" Hux asked.

Kylo opened his mouth to reply that he was afraid of nothing, when Hux held up a hand to stop him. "I'm not accusing you, Ren. But if you do fear her, I can see your cause. IF she defeated the Supreme Leader, and all his guards alone, she has great power."

"I do not fear her," Kylo answered.

Hux looked at the long scar the girl had put on Ren's face. He could see many causes for him to fear her. Ren was lying he decided. "You should fear her Ren, do you know why?"

"Why?" he asked impatiently, knowing that this was another one of Hux's traps.

"Because she beat you... twice. She is stronger than you. But it wasn't her strength that led to your defeat, it was your weakness. Your compassion. Your compassion for her!" said Hux, his voice rising, until he was screaming at him. "If you had just killed her while you had the chance, she wouldn't have beaten you, and the Supreme Leader would still be alive."

Kylo glared at him. "You're right, I didn't kill her while I had the chance. Do you know why?"

"Because you have compassion for her," Hux answered, in an arrogant manner.

"No, because I know that so long as she stands against us, she is a danger. But if she stands at my side, together we can concur the galaxy and there will be no one to stop us," Kylo said. "With Rey on our side, we will unstoppable. Together she and I could become more powerful than Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and Snoke. That is why I must find her, so that I can turn her to the Dark Side."

Hux wasn't sure if Ren was strong enough to turn the strong willed girl to the Dark Side. He too had seen Ren's weakness, his constant struggle between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. He feared that if Ren faced her again he would not survive. But, thought Hux, perhaps that would better for the First Order. "What if you can't turn her?" he asked.

"Then I'll end her," Kylo answered.

But a worse alternative occurred to Hux, what if the girl was able to turn Ren. If what he said was true, if she could turn him, she and Ren would become an unstoppable enemy. "And what if she is able to turn you to the Light Side?" Hux asked.

"I am Darth Vader's heir I will not be pulled to the light," he answered. "I will not be swayed."

But Hux was not convinced.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now