The Chosen One

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That night...
Rey and Ben sailed across the lake in a small boat, all around them lanterns floated on the smooth surface of the water. Rey leaned over the edge of the boat admiring the beautiful sight. But Ben only had eyes for her, a light more bright and beautiful than all of the others. He admired her, watching her every move as she observed the reflections of the beautiful light on the water's surface.
Ben sighed, this was more than he'd ever dreamed of.
Queen Natalia had arranged all of this, the lanterns, the boat that would take them to the lakeside house that had once been his grandmother's vacation home...the place his grandparents had fallen in love. Natalia had suggested that they spend their honeymoon here and they had agreed.
His mother had offered to take care of Temiri, Oniho and Arashell for a few weeks so that her son and Rey could spend some time alone together. Ben could also see that his mother was excited to finally have grandchildren.
Finally they reached the shore next to the lakeside was a lot bigger than Ben had imagined it. He climbed out of the boat and onto the stone dock, before turning to offer Rey his hand.
She smiled up at him as she took it and allowed him to help her out of the boat.
They walked along the stone path hand in hand, until they came to the banister that overlooked the lake. They stopped to admire the lake still shimmering with the light of the lanterns.
Ben turned to look at his newly wedded wife and offered her an affectionate smile. He ran his fingers through her hair, which fell to her shoulders in loose waves. He leaned closer to her, claiming her lips in a slow, gentle kiss.
After a moment, they pulled apart feeling someone watching them. They turned to see the glowing blue ethereal form of Anakin Skywalker.
Rey blushed slightly, she had thought that they were alone.
Anakin smiled. "This was where me and your grandmother shared our first kiss."
Ben nodded a little shyly.
"I came to tell you something very important," Anakin continued, more serious.
Rey and Ben both looked at him intently.
"Rey is pregnant..." Anakin began.
"But we haven't..." Ben interrupted.
Anakin held up a hand to stop him. "There's more to the prophecy," he smiled. "That's why you should always read the whole page."
They looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
"'... and the chosen one will have an heir, a son of darkness.
When the son of darkness and the daughter of light come together as one in the Force
they will restore balance to the Force and have the power to stop the evil that rules the galaxy...
...of their union in the Force a child shall be born, the next chosen one. A child in which the Dark Side and the Light Side of the Force are in harmony.'" Anakin recited the ancient Jedi texts.
"He is chosen to keep the balance that you have created. He will be the strongest Force-user ever born, stronger than me, stronger even than Palpatine. He was created by the Force as I was, but unlike me he has a father..." he gestured to Ben. "He will inherit both of your abilities."
Rey subconsciously placed her hand over her stomach in concern. "Won't that make him almost too powerful? Will he even be able to control it?"
"It won't be easy for him at first, but that's why you were chosen to be his parents. It will take both of you to help him master the amount of the Force he will one day have. You must raise him to become a Grey Jedi. It isn't bad for someone to walk the path of a Jedi in the Light Side...but if he was to do so the Force would have to create a Dark Side user of equal power to balance the Force once again. If a Dark Side user that powerful ever rose they would be unstoppable."
Rey and Ben both nodded, though neither of them were sure they could do what he was asking. The fate of the galaxy literally rested in their hands.
"I will be here to guide you, as will all of the others who have gone before you," Anakin said, sensing their concern.
"Thank you," Ben answered.
Anakin nodded and then he disappeared.
Ben looked at Rey, still in utter shock. He reached over, covering her flat stomach with his hand.
Rey smiled at him, placing her hand over his.
He moved his thumb gently, smiling in return.

The End

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