48 | A Promise That Cannot Be Broken

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Meanwhile aboard the First Order ship...

Ben stood looking out of a window at the starry sky. He couldn't understand it, but he missed Rey, even though she had only been gone for an hour.

Hux approached Kylo Ren. "How could you let this happen, Ren?" he asked.

Ren's face was hidden by the mask he wore. And Kylo was grateful for it, as his eyes were still red and moist, he could no longer hide what he felt on the inside. He did not turn to face the General, instead he kept his eyes on the stars outside the window.

"If you hadn't been so concerned with the girl, we wouldn't have lost the Resistance. And now she's gone too," Hux continued.

Ben remained silent, he could feel his connection to Rey growing stronger. Even now he could feel her presence, so close that he almost felt like he could reach out and touch her. Even though he couldn't see her, it felt like she was standing right next to him.

They had even been able to communicate with each other thousands of miles away. He didn't know how much stronger their bond could become than it already was, yet he could feel the Force pulling them closer together, strengthening their bond.

"I can feel her presence, I think I could find her if..." Ben began. He closed his eyes and reached out to her through the Force. He could feel her beautiful, bright presence. He forced himself to move his focus away from her, to her surroundings. ...Naboo.... She was on Naboo. "She's on Naboo," he said slowly.

"How do you know?" Hux asked sharply.

"I am bound to her through the Force," Ben replied.

"Then why haven't you been able to find her sooner?" Hux asked.

"My connection to her has grown stronger, stronger than ever before," Ben replied.

"If Ren can't turn her to the Dark Side, she must be destroyed," the menacing voice spoke to Hux's mind.

"If you can't turn her, you must destroy her. Don't let your connection to her or your personal feelings get in the way of that," said Hux. "Or have you forgotten that she killed our Supreme Leader?"

Ren turned sharply to face him. "I am well aware of that, General," he said in a commanding voice. "I know what I have to do."

Hux nodded then left to make preparations to go to Naboo.

Back on Naboo, the Resistance and the people of Naboo had begun to make preparations. They had decided to let the First Order come to them. They would fight them here on Naboo where they had the advantage.

Rey was seated in the room where the meeting to discuss battle plans was being held. But she wasn't paying much attention. She missed Ben, but she wasn't sure why. And the words of the promise she had made to him echoed in her mind. "I'll come back sweetheart. I promise."

She couldn't break that promise, she had to find a way to get back to him.

Once the meeting was over, Rey went over to Leia.

"Leia, I have to go," she said softly.

The General looked at her curiously.

"I made a promise, and I have to keep it," Rey explained.

Leia looked into her eyes. "Ben?" she asked.

Rey nodded.

"I know that you promised me that would bring him home, but remember what I told you? If you can't bring Ben back, if he is truly gone, then you will have to kill Kylo Ren. You're the only one strong enough to do it," Leia said, and Rey could see the tears in her eyes.

"I know," said Rey. "But I made another promise... to Ben. I promised him that he would never have to be alone again. He captured me and brought me onto the First Order ship, but only to help me. Before I left I promised him that I would come back... to him."

Leia nodded. She could tell that Rey cared about Ben very deeply. She hoped that her compassion for him would pull him out of the darkness, but she also worried that it could cause Kylo Ren to pull her to the Dark Side.

"I can't abandon him the way my parents abandoned me," she said.

"Alright," Leia agreed. "But be careful, and don't let Kylo Ren pull you to the Dark Side."

"I have no love for Kylo Ren," Rey replied.

"And Ben?" Leia asked, wondering if she had love for him.

Rey knew what she meant, but she wasn't ready to answer that question yet. "I will bring him home to you," Rey replied, though she knew what Leia had meant.

Leia smiled as Rey walked away. She knew the truth, rather Rey would admit it or not.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now