47 | A New Hope

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When the ship landed on Naboo, the tie fighter landed next to it. Poe, Finn and Rose had their blasters ready. But when the tie fighter door opened they were surprised to see Rey stepping out.

She walked over to them.

"Rey!" Finn said, surprised.

She ran over to give both Finn and Poe a hug. Then she turned to Rose and gave her a hug.

"I was worried about you," said Rey. "I could sense that you were in danger, so I came to help."

"And just in time!" said Poe.

"Yeah, I thought that we were toast," said Finn.

"So did I," Rose agreed.

Just then, a Wookiee growl interrupted their conversation. Rey looked over to see Chewbacca running over to greet her. He quickly wrapped her in a tight Wookiee hug.

He growled: "I was just about to take the Millennium Falcon back to Ganeron to find you."

"Thank you, Chewie," she answered. She wasn't used to anyone coming back for her.

The freed slaves of Cantonica emerged from the ship. Of them three children stood out to Rey. There were two boys and one girl. She could sense something very special about the boy. She came over to the children and knelt down in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Rey," she said. "What's your's?"

"Temiri," he answered, softly.

"What about you?" she asked the second boy.

"Oniho," he answered.

"And you?" she asked the girl.

"Arashell," she replied.

"It's nice to meet you, welcome to the Resistance," said Rey.

"Are you a Jedi?" asked Temiri, he noticed the lightsaber on her belt. She had recovered it just outside of the medical bay.

She smiled at him. "Yes, ... I am," she answered.

The children's faces lit up, they had always dreamt of meeting a real Jedi, like Luke Skywalker. They had even dreamt of becoming Jedi themselves.

"Is it true that Luke Skywalker returned and faced the first order alone?" asked Oniho.

"Yes, he gave up his life so that we could escape," she explained.

"He's dead?" Arashell asked, sadly.

Rey nodded.

"Then all hope is lost," said Oniho. "I once heard that Luke Skywalker was hope."

"He was only a spark of hope," Rey answered. "You are the flame."

"Us?" Arashell asked, surprised.

"But we're just orphans, ...slaves," said Oniho.

"We're no one," said Temiri.

Rey looked into each of their faces and saw herself when she was young. "So I am," she answered. "I am not important. I am just a scavenger, an orphan who was abandoned by her parents."

"But you're a Jedi, you have the Force," said Temiri.

"The Force doesn't choose you for where you came from or what you are. The Force chooses you for who you are, on the inside," she placed her hand over his heart. "The Force chooses you because of your heart."

As she spoke the words, they healed not only the children, but herself.

The three children were filled with a spark of inspiration and hope. They realized that they could become Jedi too, if the Force chose them.

"You are our new hope," said Temiri.

Rey smiled at him. "And you are mine," she said, looking at all three children.

(Thank you for reading. This book is rated #1 in Episode IX, #1 in Rose Tico and #2 Finnrose right now!)

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now