The Most Beautiful Place In The Galaxy

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"Come on Ben, I want to show you the island." She grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the Millennium Falcon.
Ben smiled and followed her, as she led him up the stone steps.
"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked once they had reached the top of the steps.
He looked around at the beautiful green grass and the large stones scattered around him. He looked out at the sea, painted gold by the light of the binary suns. It certainly was one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen, he wasn't sure which was more beautiful, here or Naboo. He looked at Rey. This was her favorite place in the whole galaxy, this was the place where she had begun to fall in love with him. It was at the center of the Force and the center of their connection. This truly was the most beautiful place in the galaxy, especially now that he and Rey were here together. "It is beautiful," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against her ear. "It's the most beautiful place in the whole galaxy."
She smiled as he began kissing her cheek. Somehow their connection seemed to become even stronger on the island and she could feel his emotions, how happy he was just to be with her.
Rey heard something moving behind her. She turned and giggled as she saw a porg.
"What's that?" Ben asked.
Rey smiled and went over to pick up the little creature. "A porg."
Ben looked at the porg. "It's cute."
"Until it destroys the wiring in the Millennium Falcon," she answered. She looked at the porg. "But it does have really cute eyes... just like your's."
"You think that I look like a porg?"
"Maybe," she answered.
"Very funny Rey."
Rey smirked then gestured to the caretakers. "Those are the caretakers."
Ben noticed how they were all glaring at both of them, especially Rey. "They don't seem very friendly."
"They don't like me very much... I sort of kept breaking things."
He looked over at the caretakers, cautiously. Rey couldn't be worse about breaking things than he was. "Oh... they're going to hate me then."
Rey smirked. "I think we have a lot more in common than we realized."
He smiled affectionately at her. "That's because the Force created us to be together."
She gently touched his cheek and leaned up to kiss his lips. After a moment she pulled away from him. "Are you ready?" she whispered.
He nodded, though he didn't feel ready. "Where do we go?"
She looked into his eyes for a moment and he could sense the nervousness growing inside of her. "Up there." She pointed to more stone steps which seemed to lead to a cave.
Ben looked in the direction that she was pointing and nodded. He extended his hand to her, but she shook her head. "Could you go ahead of me? Will you wait for me?"
"I'll always wait for you," he whispered. He was still confused but he made his way up the stone stares, until he came to the entrance of the cave. He hesitated wondering if he should wait for Rey here. But then he felt that she wanted him to go inside, so he stepped forward.
He looked around, it was dark inside the cave, but golden light from the binary suns, which hung low in the sky shown on the moist walls and filled the center of the cave. His eyes were drawn to the cave floor where a small shallow pool of water rested. He peered down to see what looked like a person meditating, half of them was dark, while the other half was light. He knew what it meant: balance. Was that their fate? Was that why they were bound together, to bring balance to the Force?
"Were we really chosen to bring balance to the Force? My grandfather wasn't strong enough to bring balance to the Force, how can I?" he voiced his thoughts, though he knew no one could hear him.
But to his surprise, someone answered. "You have the only thing that is strong enough to bring the Light Side and the Dark Side together."
Ben turned to see the glowing blue figure of his grandfather standing behind him.
"Compassion," Anakin said with a smile. "You're compassion for each other is what binds you together, and it is what will bind the light and darkness together."
"But... you were the chosen one."
"Yes and you are my heir," Anakin smirked. "It's time for you to finish what I started."

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