52 | The Confrontation

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Kylo was surrounded by three Resistance fighters. Though he was outnumbered, the small group of Resistance fighters did not stand a chance against Kylo Ren with his burning lightsaber. Once he had fought off the small group who opposed him, he felt like he was being watched by someone. Someone who wasn't on his side, but didn't threaten him. He looked up to see Rey standing a short distance away. He lowered his lightsaber, but left it ignited. They stared at each other for a long moment.

"Ben," said Rey. He did not move, but his heart rushed as she spoke his true name. "I know you're in there, and I don't want to fight you."

"Then join me," Kylo answered.

"I will not join Kylo Ren," said Rey. She new that when the Dark Side took over him, she could feel it. He wasn't Ben Solo, but Kylo Ren. She had learned that there was a difference between the two. When Ben stood before her she could feel a warm feeling wash over her. He was so bright, so beautiful. But Kylo Ren was nothing but dark and cold. "I will not be turned to the Dark Side."

"You will," he answered.

"Ben, please I know there's good in you. I've seen it, felt it," she said. "I don't want to hurt you."

Hux noticed Ren standing there not moving. He pointed at Rey. "What are you waiting for?" he asked. "You have to stop her. She's the only one who can stand against the First Order. Now is your chance to prove that you are as strong as Darth Vader."

"I will give you one last chance," said Kylo. "Join me... please."

"I can't," she answered.

Kylo looked down trying to hide the tears that had begun to form in his eyes. He couldn't believe she had refused his offer a second time. He didn't want to fight Rey, but Hux was already yelling at him to attack the girl. He had no choice but to fight her.

"Then you have made your choice," he said and he raised his lightsaber.

Rey raised her own lightsaber just in time to block Kylo's strike. She pushed his lightsaber away with all of her strength. She swung her lightsaber at his head, but he ducked quickly beneath it. He found that he knew every move that she was going to make before she made it.

But she also knew what his next move would be and would always move to block him.

It was a duel that could be compared with Anakin and Obi Wan on Mustafar. It could be compared to the duel between father and son, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. But it was far greater because they're bond was growing stronger, so much so that their fighting patterns had begun to mirror each other.

A group of stormtroopers rushed over to assist Kylo in fighting Rey. But he quickly waved them away. "No," he yelled. "I need to fight her alone."

Kylo turned again to face Rey. He struck at her again, but she blocked him. Their sabers were locked together.
He was close to her now and she looked into his eyes. As she looked into his eyes, she saw the conflict there. But she also saw deep sadness. She could see that he didn't want to fight her. But here, surrounded by the First Order, there was little chance she could reach him.

As Kylo looked into her eyes, he was surprised to see that she too, had sadness in her eyes. Maybe she didn't want to hurt him. Maybe she was only fighting him because she had to, like him. Here on the battle field, they couldn't be friends he realized. But when they were alone, away from the Resistance, away from the First Order, they were friends.

Ben could barely stand to fight her, he couldn't hurt her and he certainly couldn't kill her. He didn't know what to do.
Rey pulled her lightsaber away and swung it at him, but he blocked it easily. They began a full attack, striking and blocking quickly. But, they were both holding back, not wanting to hurt each other.

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