It's Not About What You Deserve

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Leia knew that her son was still weak from his injuries and she knew that he needed rest to regain his strength.
"I wish I could stay up all night with you, Ben. But you need your rest. You're still weak from your injury." Said Leia.
"I'm fine mother." He answered.
"I know, but you need to regain your strength." Said Leia.
Ben nodded. "You're right." He agreed.
Then Rey and Leia went over to help him stand. Normally he would have insisted on doing it himself, no matter how much pain it might cause him. But these were the two people that he loved more than anyone else in the whole galaxy. And he knew that they loved him too.
Leia reached up and gently touched his cheeks. She gently pulled him down and kissed his forehead.
"I love you, Ben." She said softly.
"I love you too." He answered.
"Good night Ben."
"Good night, mother." He answered.
Then he and Rey left the room. Ben was still a little weak from his injury, so Rey stayed close to him as he made his way to his room. She had her arm wrapped around his waist to keep him from falling. Ben enjoyed being close to her. He hoped that they could always be this close to her. Before he wanted to give her the galaxy. But now he just wanted to give up everything for her. The galaxy, the First Order...his life, it was all worth it just to spend on moment at her side.
They passed a group of three Resistance fighters, who were walking down the hallway. They glared at Ben and put their hands on their blasters.
Ben felt Rey's arm tighten protectively around his waist. And she glared back at them.
The three Resistance fighters, stopped mid draw when they noticed Rey. Her eyes calm but fierce. She had one arm wrapped around Ren's waist and the other hovered dangerously close to her lightsaber. They moved their hands away from their blasters and continued down the hall.
Rey looked back at them suspiciously.
"You shouldn't protect me from them Rey. I deserve this." He said.
"Yes, you do." Rey said, and he was a little surprised by the harshness of her words. If she knew that he deserved it, then why was she protecting him? "But it's not about what we deserve."
He looked at her, still not understanding.
"Do you think that I deserved to be abandoned by my parents?" She asked.
"Of course not. But..."
"Does anyone really deserve to be loved? No one's perfect, you can't earn love. At least not real love. If you truly love someone, then you are willing to forgive them and give them a second chance." She said. "Besides you risked your life to save me more than once. I didn't deserve that. My life is not worth more than yours."
Ben looked into her eyes. "It is to me." He whispered. "I would gladly die for you."
She looked into his eyes "So would I." She answered meaningfully.
Ben saw the truth in her eyes, and he could sense her honesty. For the first time he realized how much she truly loved him. She loved him just as much as he loved her. She loved him enough to give up her life for him. He turned to face her and pulled her closer to him. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips.
"I love you." He whispered, hugging her.
"I love you too..." a small smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. "...sweetheart."
Ben looked into her hazel eyes and smiled at her. He kissed her forehead. "Good night, sweetheart." He said. Then he turned and walked to his room.
Rey watched him go, until he had closed the door. Then she reached down to grip her side. There was a strange, unexplainable throbbing pain there. But she didn't want to worry Ben. He needed his rest so that he could recover from his injury.
She turned to go to her own room. But then she noticed the group of Resistance fighters. They were whispering and glaring towards Ben's room. Rey didn't trust them, she didn't know what they might do to Ben if she left.
She walked over to his door and sat down in front of it. She leaned back against it.
She had never thought that she would ever protect Kylo Ren from the Resistance. But here she was. And he wasn't Kylo Ren anymore, he was Ben Solo.
The Resistance fighters noticed that she was sitting in front of his door, so they moved on. They would have to teach Ren a lesson later.
Rey closed her eyes. She could feel Ben's presence. He was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of her. Rey smiled softly then she fell asleep leaned against the door.

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