59 | Ben

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As Ben's lips touched her's, Rey had a vision. It was like a dream, but so clear and strong that it seemed real.

She was a in a dark hut like building. Standing there was Luke Skywalker. He looked down at a still figure. Rey looked down to see Ben sleeping.

She turned her gaze back to Luke. He held hand over Ben's head. Rey saw Luke's face fill with fear and anger. She watched as he drew his lightsaber. He ignited it and a green blade appeared. He held the saber over Ben, about to strike! But then, he hesitated.

Rey looked down at Ben. He opened his eyes to find his uncle standing above him with his lightsaber ready to strike him. Rey could see pain in Ben's eyes, deep pain like she felt when her parents abandoned her on Jakku. But she also saw fear. She saw what Luke had described to her. A terrified boy whose master had failed just him.

Rey knew that it was this moment that haunted him. This was the moment that had torn him in two, it had caused his conflict and his loneliness.

When Kylo had told her this story, she hadn't believed him. But when they touched hands, she felt a sudden surge of compassion for him.

Seeing it played out before her she realized that while Kylo's story wasn't completely true, it was the truth from his point of view. He had been too shocked and afraid in this moment to see his uncle's hesitation. All he could see was that his uncle was trying to kill him in his sleep.

Rey watched as Ben used the Force to pull his lightsaber into his hands. He held it to deflect Luke's stroke. Then he held up his hand, and caused the roof of the hut to collapse on Luke.

Then the vision faded, but only for a second.

She found herself standing outside in the dark. She could see the demolished hut.

She watched as Ben climbed from the rubble. His face was filled with pain. He stepped clear of debris and looked back at the ruined hut. He screamed in pain, and anger.

Rey watched with tears in her eyes, as his spirit was broken, like the lightsaber.

Ben screamed again, then he put his face in hands and began to weep.

Rey went over to him and hugged him. "Ben, your not alone," she said. "I'll help you, I promise."

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now