28| The Resistance

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Soon, the First Order caught up to the Resistance. They had tracked Maz's ship to Naboo.

Kylo entered the command station.

"We're approaching Naboo," said Hux.

"What is your plan, sir?" Phasma asked.

"I suggest we attack," Hux said, before Kylo had a chance to respond.

"Attack?" Kylo asked.

"Yes," Hux answered. "The Resistance is here, and I plan to be rid of them."

"As do I," Kylo agreed. "But we far outnumber the Resistance. If we attack, we will start a war with Naboo. And we don't have the numbers with us to fight the people of Naboo. The war is almost over, why start a new one when victory is so close at hand?"

"Then I suggest we build another mega weapon like the Death Star and StarKiller base, and blow up the whole planet, Resistance and all," said Hux, a cruel look in his eyes.

Naboo is too beautiful to be destroyed, Ben thought. After this war is over, I would like to live there, with Rey, if she will join me. He imagined living on the beautiful planet with Rey, ruling the galaxy together. But not ruling it the way Snoke had, instead ruling it by keeping peace. Stop it! He interrupted his pleasant thoughts. That dream could never come true.

"Foolish boy, you have grown weak," said a voice in his mind.

Maybe I have become weak, Kylo thought. I need to destroy the Resistance, that will make me strong again. But I can't let Hux destroy an entire planet, just to stop a handful of people... What if Rey is on that planet? What if my mother is on that planet?

Kylo turned to look at Hux. Even though the mask, Hux could almost see the expression on his face. An expression that said: "Are you serious? You have to be joking!"

"Do you see any mega weapons laying around?" he asked, sarcastically.

"Then what do we do?" Hux asked, avoiding his question.

"We go down there and get the people of Naboo to turn over the Resistance," said Kylo.

"And if they refuse?" Phasma asked.

Kylo looked at Hux. "Then we attack."

"Good plan," Hux agreed in his normal arrogant manner. As if his plan was better. Even though Hux was secretly surprised. Ren normally wasn't very good at military strategy. His battle plans usually consisted of: attack and crush anything that stood in his way. This slightly diplomatic alternative came as a surprise to both Hux and Phasma.

But diplomacy was just as strong in his blood as the Force, his grandmother had it, so did his mother. He was usually too angry to use it. And because Snoke had always been in his mind, since before he could remember. Dictating his every move, he didn't really know how to make decisions on his own free will. But now there were lives on the line, a whole planet was on the line, and his whole world was on the line. It was time for him to finally do what he wanted, instead of being forced into doing something he didn't want to do. Something he would regret for the rest of his life.

"Phasma, you , me, and Hux are going down there," he said. "Send for fifty stormtroopers to accompany us. I don't expect the Resistance to come willingly. They are called the Resistance after all, it's only natural for them to resist arrest."

Hux and Phasma stared at him like he had lost his mind. Ben shook his head, he didn't know why he even tried making a joke around these two. Instead of laughing, all they did was stare at him coldly.

"And have a hundred more stormtroopers standing by in case we need to persuade the people of Naboo to give them up," he added.

"Yes, sir," said Phasma, finally breaking the silence that had fallen over herself and Hux. Then she left to prepare the stormtroopers.

"Do you really think we will need fifty stormtroopers to arrest less than thirty people?" Hux asked.

"Armed trained warriors, ...and the girl, yes we need fifty stormtroopers," Kylo replied.

"What girl?" Hux asked, sarcastically.

"The one who's caused so much trouble. The one who helped the droid escape, and gave me this scar," Kylo pulled off his helmet and pointed to the scar on his face. "The girl from Jakku."

"The one you captured because you thought you could get the map to Skywalker from her?" Hux asked in a rude voice. "But you couldn't...because you are weak."

"I didn't know she had the Force," Kylo answered, defensively.

"Darth Vader would have been able to get the map from her," Hux answered.

"Be quiet!" Kylo shouted, pushing Hux up against the wall with the Force.

"Snoke was right, you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader!" Hux snapped.

"I should kill you," said Kylo. "But I want you to live, so that you can see that I have become as strong as Darth Vader." He released Hux from the wall.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now