Light, Darkness, Balance

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Rey could feel a strange feeling... a pull to the darkness, a pull into the dark cave that she had hoped would show her parents, but all she found was loneliness. She had no desire to go back to that dreaded place, she wanted to be with Ben where she would never be alone. But she knew that a part of him would always be with her, she longed to be one with him, yet somehow she felt that the only way they would be one was if she went into the darkness of the mysterious cave.
No. I cannot go back there, she thought.
"Rey, it's the only way." a voice answered her thoughts.
She took a deep breath, then she walked towards the edge of the deep dark hole. The place Luke had told her that she should never go. The only part of the island that she feared, and yet at the same time was drawn to.

"But how can I finish what you started?" Ben asked his grandfather. "How can I bring balance?"
"The Force will guide you," Anakin replied.
Ben nodded, he needed to feel the Force the way his uncle Luke had taught him. He walked through the cave to a ledge overlooking the sea and the binary suns. There was a large rock which seemed like the perfect place to meditate. He went over to it and sat down, crossing his legs just as he uncle Luke had taught him.
He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, the fresh ocean air filled his lungs. He closed his eyes and reached out to the Force from the deepest part of his soul, from his heart.

Rey climbed down into the dark hole, when she came to the bottom she fell into a shallow pool of water. As she landed in the water, she slipped to the bottom. She grew up on a desert planet and she had never leaned how to swim. She stood up and pushed her head up to the surface, thankfully it was a shallow pool, coming only up to her shoulders.
She climbed out onto the cold hard rocks on the bank, dripping wet. She looked around she was here in this frightening place... again. Even though she feared this place, she felt drawn to venture deeper into the cave, but that was not why she had come. She sat down on the stone floor and crossed her legs. She closed her eyes and reached out with the Force.
She sat in the darkest part of the island... the very heart of the Dark Side itself. Though she was surrounded by pain, hate and suffering, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace and calm. The Light Side of the Force radiated off her like a star in the darkest night. Her garments began to glow with a brilliant bright white light.
One light alone in the darkness. But she was not alone...

As Ben sat in the bright cave, the very heart of the Light Side of the Force, the Dark Side flowed from him. A misty shadow surrounded his form.
He was in the most peaceful, calm place in the galaxy, but could feel so much pain, anger and suffering he felt as if he could not bare it any longer. His eyes snapped open and he saw her sitting in front of him. She glowed with a brilliant almost blinding light.
Slowly she opened her eyes and looked back at him. She saw him in all of his darkness, but her compassion for him did not waver.
"First comes the day..." she whispered, reciting the words she had read in the ancient Jedi manuscripts.
"...then comes the night..." he whispered in reply. "After the darkness..."
"...shines through the light. The deference, they say, is only made right by the resolving of the gray through refined Jedi sight," she whispered.
"Rey, only our compassion for each other can bring balance to the Force."
Rey looked into his eyes and reached her hand out to him.
He looked at her for a moment before reaching his hand out to her's. Their fingers met, the light and darkness came together as one Force whole and unbroken as it had been long ago, before the Jedi, before the Sith. A strange, powerful feeling passed between them.
Rey gasped as waves of emotion, love and compassion washed over her in waves stronger than she had ever felt or imagined. She could feel his very heart beating in her chest, she could feel his soul bound to her's. It felt as if he had become an extension of herself. She could feel his every emotion, emotions that mirrored her own. She could feel his relief as the darkness was pulled from his heart and he was renewed by the light, light from her own heart. She felt part of his darkness come inside of her. She could hear his every thought... thoughts about her. She could feel his fingers tingling from the contact between them, and his heart burning with passion for her.
All around them the Force lifted small stones with the power of a hurricane, but Rey and Ben didn't even notice. Their thoughts were solely on one another.
The Force settled around them and they took several deep breaths, exhausted from the amount of the Force they had used.
Ben gripped her hand in his. "We did it, we finally brought balance to the Force."
Rey offered him a small smile. "I love you," she whispered.
He stood and helped her to her feet. "I love you too, sweetheart," he whispered.
They looked into each other's eyes, the binary suns hung low in the sky behind them. Ben leaned closer to her, until his lips met her's and he began to kiss her passionately. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer. She could feel his heart race as she pressed her lips to his and deepened their kiss.

"First comes the day...
Then comes the night...
After the darkness...
Shines through the light.
The difference, they say,
Is only made right
By the resolving of the gray
Through refined Jedi sight."
~ the journal of Whills, 7: 477
Alan Dean Foster, The Force Awakens

A special thank you to Winter Wolf for giving me some inspiration for this chapter!!!

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