Safe In My Arms

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Rey held him tightly for a long moment before he lifted his head from her shoulder to look into her eyes. As she looked deep into his dark eyes, she saw that they filled with pain from moments ago. Her heart broke as she felt all of the pain he had experienced while she was unconscious. The pain of Snoke's Force lightening, the pain losing her and everyone else he cared about. She gently placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. After a moment, he broke the kiss and stood up. He bent down and scooped her into his arms. She wrapped her arms his neck and laid her head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted from the strain that the near death experience had put on her.
"You used Force lightening to revive me?" she asked, surprised as she sensed everything that had happened moments earlier.
He nodded. "It was the first time I've ever used it, I always assumed that it could only be used for evil," he rubbed her back. "I had to use the Dark Side to do it, but it was the only way to save you."
"Thank you Ben, that's the Force's greatest secret. Both sides could be used for good or evil, it only depends on what you do with it and your intentions behind it."
He nodded and pulled her closer, laying his head against hers.
"Ben, this wasn't your fault," she whispered, sensing that he still blamed himself because of what Snoke had said.
"If I were stronger I could have..."
"If you were weak as Snoke said, you wouldn't have had the strength to save me after what he did to you." Tears filled her eyes, even in her unconscious state, she had felt the pain of Snoke torturing Ben. "He did this, not you." She kissed his cheek.
"The only thing that gave me the strength was my love for you," he whispered. He turned and looked at the cave entrance. "Now we just have to figure out how to get out of here."
"We could climb up the side of the cliff," she suggested.
He nodded. "Good idea, but it's probably slippery and I'm not sure that you would be able to make the climb. You almost died Rey, you're in no condition to attempt it."
"Neither are you, I can still feel the affects of what Snoke did to you," she said gently. "You're still in pain." She clenched her fist, gripping the back of his shirt. She tried to hide the hatred for Snoke that was beginning to fill her, how could he hurt Ben the way he did? If she ever saw Snoke again she would make him pay for what he done to him.
Even though she tried to hide it, Ben could sense what she was feeling. He looked down at the sand beneath his feet.
"We could just sleep here for tonight," she said.
He nodded. "Good idea, I just hope that the tide doesn't fill the cave up while we're asleep."
She smiled. "If it does, you'll have to save me again, I can't swim."
"You can't?"
"I grew up on a desert planet, remember?"
"I'll teach you, as soon as the war is over," he whispered.
"I suppose I'll let you teach me, this time," she said.
He smiled, then he carried her deeper into the cave, searching for a dry place. Finally he found a dry patch of sand, he knelt down and gently laid her in the sand.
Rey instantly began to feel cold outside of the warmth of his arms, she was dripping wet and the night air was cold, especially in the cave. She began to shiver slightly.
Ben laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, to keep her warm. Rey sighed, as she felt the warmth of his arms around her once again. She snuggled into his arms, moving closer to him until she stopped shivering.
"You're safe now, Rey... safe in my arms." He squeezed her tighter.
"Good night," she whispered.
"Good night sweetheart," he whispered.
He sensed her falling asleep, he knew that their connection was very strong, because when she felt asleep he began to feel drowsy. His eyes drooped, but he fought to stay awake just a little longer wanting to enjoy every moment that he could of holding Rey in his arms.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now